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MeggieTheMeg January 20, 2024 10:36 am

Love the story so far - but I hate how the fl is completely hairless. It always throws me off in stories bc it makes the fl look like a child compared to the overtly masculine ml :/

    Bel January 20, 2024 11:00 am

    Being hairless makes you look like a child now? You do know that some women prefer to wax their kiffy clean right? Stop being weird

    Ophelia January 20, 2024 11:28 am
    Being hairless makes you look like a child now? You do know that some women prefer to wax their kiffy clean right? Stop being weird Bel

    heyy it's a valid criticism bro. u should read up how society infantilizes women. also if the manhwa's detailed enough to draw the ml's scars every frame then pubic hair shouldn't be that hard. OP's not being weird, they bring up a good point how women are expected to always look young and w/o flaws. also note how the OP said "throws ME off" it's like they were sharing their opinion.... that you don't have to agree with.... and can choose to ignore..... instead of being mean to a stranger online......

    Astari January 20, 2024 11:49 am

    if i remember it right, i think it was also mentioned in the novel that the ml was also wondering why the fl was hairless (?) unlike other women or something, correct me if i’m wrong

    Bel January 20, 2024 12:22 pm
    heyy it's a valid criticism bro. u should read up how society infantilizes women. also if the manhwa's detailed enough to draw the ml's scars every frame then pubic hair shouldn't be that hard. OP's not being w... Ophelia

    I called them weird for automatically thinking hairless pp=childlike and now I'm mean? You guys are too soft af lmao! I don't look at someone's pssy and think "omg that looks like a child pp to me" SO WEIRD! Like what u said this is also my opinion, you can choose to ignore it too but here we are...

    Bel January 20, 2024 12:29 pm
    heyy it's a valid criticism bro. u should read up how society infantilizes women. also if the manhwa's detailed enough to draw the ml's scars every frame then pubic hair shouldn't be that hard. OP's not being w... Ophelia

    Mind you having/waxing doesn't always need to be related to "looking young" and "being flawless". Some girls wanted to feel comfortable or do it for hygiene. Incorporating it to a child's appearance is so so weird like ew

    Ophelia January 20, 2024 12:43 pm
    I called them weird for automatically thinking hairless pp=childlike and now I'm mean? You guys are too soft af lmao! I don't look at someone's pssy and think "omg that looks like a child pp to me" SO WEIRD! Li... Bel

    bro u were attacking the OP for their opinion,, if there was no mean intent ur comment wouldve been ignored. anw, maybe consider taking a literary analysis class? it's actually shocking how small things can be a side effect of societal ideologies! again, preference for a person's pssy is actually okay and the OP is not shaming women for being hairless! in fact, they were just calling out a common trope in many porn media where infantilization of women actually happens! maybe consider why women shave their pssies now. it certainly isn't bc they just suddenly decided to wax themselves. society actually has a big part on it! again! we do not shame women for their personal choice of what their pssy looks like, we just want to point out that the hairless trope has a weird connotation to it! but i suppose in this case, the FL is expected to be "perfect" so it fits with the context. still, nothing wrong with calling out tropes in literary works! strange tho that u immediately applied in into real-life and u seem to like talking about pssies a lot (the OP didn't even mention it directly!). hope my comment helps:)) hopefully next time try to word ur replies kindly, nothing wrong with being kinder to every1!!

    Ophelia January 20, 2024 12:45 pm
    if i remember it right, i think it was also mentioned in the novel that the ml was also wondering why the fl was hairless (?) unlike other women or something, correct me if i’m wrong Astari

    yeaa, i think in this case, fl being hairless has a reason for the story. since the queen wants her to be perfect and all.

    Bel January 20, 2024 4:29 pm
    bro u were attacking the OP for their opinion,, if there was no mean intent ur comment wouldve been ignored. anw, maybe consider taking a literary analysis class? it's actually shocking how small things can be ... Ophelia

    What are you 12 or something? I'm the one who applied it to real life when the op literally said that FL reminds them of children because they are hairless? I don't really care if you are hairless or not. I'm asking why are they incorporating it to the image of a child, the image of hairless pp to an innocent CHILD! Like what? Maybe u and op should talk first about because that doesn't sound like what they are trying to point out XD

    And also dude I'm literally a literature student lmao! Here's a tip from a student like me, you shouldn't take all literature srsly okay? LEARN how to differentiate between a FICTION
    and REALITY. The author could prob just wanted the FL to be hairless because it's too much work drawing and you out here doing mental gymnastics like it's a fucking thesis analysis LMAO! Even the ML (who is not white btw) don't have pubic hair... I don't see the op complaining about that...

    Bel January 20, 2024 4:40 pm
    What are you 12 or something? I'm the one who applied it to real life when the op literally said that FL reminds them of children because they are hairless? I don't really care if you are hairless or not. I'm a... Bel

    Muting this crazy megamind analysis of yours now. Have fun analyzing all manhwas with your societal ideologies and whateva... To the op pls stay away from children!

    MeggieTheMeg January 20, 2024 11:35 pm

    Ok I did not intend for my comment to be analyzed to this extent. But since it has, I feel as though I should clarify my original statement.

    In my comment, I had stated that because the fl was hairless (in terms of having no pubic hair) that it made her "look like a child" compared to the overtly masculine ml. In this statement, I was merely trying to point out how in many other romance manhwas, there is a pattern of a very masculine, strong, muscled male lead being paired up with a very small, frail, and young female lead. In both of these situations, men and women are being idealized and are trying to appeal most to what society views as being physically attractive. However, it has always struck me as strange that these women (usually around ages 18-20 in these stories with detailed smut) don't have the same appearance of a typical 18-20 year old woman (speaking from someone who is a part of that demographic btw). Although they are stated to be that age, they tend to look much younger (again in order to appeal to societal preferences). Usually, I am able to just look past this and try not to think about it too much, but with this story I thought it was something worthy to comment about. This was because the same could not be said for the ml. Although he also doesn't have any body hair, his physical features don't make you question his age in the same way that I did with the fl. So, when I was stating that the fl "looked like a child" COMPARED to the overtly masculine ml, I meant just that. If you were to tell me the fl was under 18, I would believe you, easily. However the same cannot be said about the ml (in my opinion). Seeing this dichotomy in the context of a sex scene was what motivated me to comment. This is a problem that I feel not a lot of people in the comment sections of these stories talk about.

    Now to address other points that were brought up:
    I understand that some women prefer to shave or wax off all of their pubic hair (I've done it myself if you want to go there), but I feel as though that dismisses the problem I was trying to address with my original comment about the way that women are portrayed in media and literature.
    Other commenters had mentioned how the mother was most likely behind all of this in an effort to keep her daughter looking "perfect" - this is something that I wasn't considering and in the context of the story, you're probably right. I'm pretty sure that her controlling behavior around her daughter's looks would also apply to her body hair as well.
    Lastly, I don't appreciate the one commenter implying that I'm somehow a danger to children or that I sexualize children in some shape or form. You, as a literature student, should understand how literature is influenced by the society that produced said literature. That the author/artist made the decision to have their characters look a certain way. And that all media is up for interpretation and criticism. You being a literature student doesn't give you more credibility in the comment section of an illegal manga site. And as a literature student, you should be able to take in other povs without immediately getting aggressive or calling others names because they don't have the same opinion as you.

    Ophelia January 21, 2024 1:37 am
    Ok I did not intend for my comment to be analyzed to this extent. But since it has, I feel as though I should clarify my original statement.In my comment, I had stated that because the fl was hairless (in terms... MeggieTheMeg

    well said! i don't think that Bel would be replying but I wish they'd see your reply! It's really well put. I doubt that they're a literature student tho or if they are it must be a horrible school since they fall into stereotypes and think literature shouldn't be taken seriously. Sorry for replying under here and you had to come back to this, the original reply was kinda distasteful and, seeing their other replies, they were absolutely childish and had no critical thinking at all.

    MeggieTheMeg January 21, 2024 1:50 am
    well said! i don't think that Bel would be replying but I wish they'd see your reply! It's really well put. I doubt that they're a literature student tho or if they are it must be a horrible school since they f... Ophelia

    It's alright! I really appreciate all of the time and energy you put into responding to them and dealing with their name calling behaviors. Your statements were spot on when it comes to addressing the main point of my comment and not just getting hung up over pubic hair like they did. I really appreciate it, thank you!

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