I heard from somewhere tita and her majesty end up together....please say it's not true ╥﹏╥

Oh nonono that's really.... Ik there's a theory abt how children have a phase where they like romantically compete with the parent of the same gender for the parent of the opposite gender but like if he as an adult doesn't get to know other people in general (of all genders n backgrounds) then he might just have the feels but no where to go other than to the tsundre that raised him
The FL does come off as a mary sue, the art is amazing but it dulls as you read the story more and more and there's no character development, just reminders of how "great the FL is", she worked for nothing and just got everything handed to her. But then again who am I to complain when I'm reading this for free LMAOOOO
Lmao my exact thoughts
yea especially her weight loss :( i wanted her to go through a journey with her weight loss not just magically lose it all, killed the unique vibe of her character. She became kinda stereotypical sadly. But i'm still interested in reading!!
Just because you read fin for free doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it. It just means you’re not a sucker for wasting your precious money on something you dislike. Anyways I agree like at first the art was beautiful but now as we get further in it’s hard to ignore the 3D accessories that literally every artist that either doesn’t know how to draw it or was too lazy to draw it. I’m guessing something will happen 2 chapters from now since she just saw all that demonic shit or something idk
Sam thoughts ..its okay to see these plots one or two comics but most are like ..
For no reason all men would fall for fl and with little efforts she gets diamonds..
Mary sue (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
I agree. Also there are inconsistencies in the story. In the begining we are told that Sylvia was plain and for that reason people didn't treat her well, so she started eating a lot as a coping mechanism and became fat. She was always plain so losing weight shouldn't change that, but then when she loses weight and becomes gorgeous. Dealing with being a plain girl in a fancy beautiful family was the premise of the story now it's just adventures of mary sue ( ̄へ ̄)
yea :( i'm still sad and kinda pissed off about it. All these genre type webtoons have the mc girls so pretty. For once can we have and in marks - " ugly" or "plain", basically a damn 4/10 - for once. It would give a story so much more spice and reason.