I'm going to refer to the black-haired Mitsuo as Micchan and blonde-haired Mitsuo as Mitsuo-kun. Since their names are the same, it's a bit difficult to distinguish them otherwise.
At first, I couldn't fully understand Mitsuo-kun's reason for hiding the truth from Micchan. Sure, the manga offered us two explanations:
(a) Mitsuo-kun's claim that he did it in order to get a upper hand, and
(b) Micchan's claim that Mitsuo-kun did it to hurt him.
But both of these explanations left me unsatisfied. Even now, I'm not sure if this is the correct answer, but this is my theory:
We learn that in middle school, Mitsuo-kun was immediately drawn to Micchan. For this, when Micchan stole his girlfriend, he did not feel anger or pain. Instead, he felt... perhaps, liberated. He was free to give up a facade belying disinterest, and instead fully "commit" to Micchan. In other words, after Micchan stole his girlfriend, Mitsuo-kun grew even more curious, and fell for Micchan.
In the beginning, we also learn that Micchan bullied Mitsuo-kun, and isolated him from others by demanding that he become his dog-- his faithful dog, and nothing more. Mitsuo-kun seemed to accept this rather easily (granted, he was threatened), so I don't think it's a huge stretch to say that Mitsuo-kun didn't really have people close to him. Hence, I believe that his girlfriend, whom he knew since middle school, was perhaps (outside of potential family members) the closest person to him.
What am I getting with this? Left with no one else, and intoxicated by Micchan's eyes, Mitsuo-kun became completely dependent on Micchan. But he realized that the vice versa didn't hold true.
But perhaps he didn't mind that the converse didn't hold. He just needed to loyally serve Micchan, and that was enough for him. It was enough if Micchan kept him at his side, and fed him orders every now and then.
But I'd like to think that "contentment" changed the moment Micchan "murdered" his girlfriend. Through the course of hiding the girlfriend, Micchan made two concessions:
(a) The first person he had rang was Mitsuo-kun. This wasn't necessarily an act of trust, but it told Mitsuo-kun that Micchan also, to some degree, depended on him.
(b) In a fit of anger and guilt, Micchan exclaimed that he had loved his girlfriend, and didn't want her dead. Her death was not something minor, as Micchan had pretended earlier (i.e. "I beat her up, and hey, she happened to be dead. What a surprise."), but something very important. A consequence of love and jealousy that he couldn't express properly-- a consequence of deep emotions.
Due to (a), Mitsuo-kun realized that he appreciated Micchan's dependency as well, and became hopeful. But upon hearing (b), he became infuriated to learn that instead of him, Micchan was stuck on someone else. Unlike him, who only had him, Micchan was fussing about his girlfriend. In short, Mitsuo-kun was jealous, which is why he forced the blowjob on Micchan. It was literally a cry of, "Look at me and pay attention to me too! Look at you, you can't even move or push me off-- see how desperately you need me (and not her)?"
But Micchan /did/, unlike what Mitsuo-kun said, brush him off. He ran out of the car, and turned himself in.
And Mitsuo-kun realized Micchan didn't depend on him like he did. And through this fight, he realized he wanted Micchan to depend on him as well. Be in this-- be sucked into this-- be /thoroughly obsessed/ with this as he was.
So he replicated what happened to him for him to get obsessed. He stole Micchan's girl, who he perceived as the person most important to Micchan at the moment, and left him alone. Furthermore, he exploited Micchan's guilt to get him to cling to him even harder. He figured that with the girl no longer present to occupy Micchan's mind, and him right there, Micchan would also fall into the spiral of dependency.
Long story short, Mitsuo-kun believed that by drawing a parallel, he could foster a relationship of co-dependency with Micchan.
And well, he succeeded, didn't he?

I wanted Hidaka to be the uke though. I'm such a sucker for perverted ukes.
Like, rather than
"You like it here, don't you?"
"A-ahh! N-no, please, wait...!"
it would be nice to have some affirmative response.
"You like it here, don't you?"
"Ah~! Aizawa-sama! Please mess me up more!"

Have you read http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/gosan_no_heart/ ?

I get that the second volume was supposed to be purely comedy (which it did well!) but I wish it explored some more serious subjects as well. Because it had so much potential. = 3 =
For instance, that meeting with the toujinkai (lmao I can't remember what he was actually called) or Nanami's concern ("My body belongs 100% to myself" response) could have helped Takachiho realize that Nanami's feelings are quite serious, and come to reciprocate them.
I mean, it's blatantly obvious they both have a thing for each other, but you don't really see the depth of their relationship besides their sex life.

I can't decide which one I like more...
Asami is so fucking hot, but Akihito's personality appeals to me a lot more than Asami's does.

Asami for your fantasy
Akihito for your real life

And I Feilong. :D

Kirishima, Asami, Kuroda, Suoh, why chose just one? when you can have them all. Pick them both .

you forgot Yuri while you at it. i guess he is not good enough. What a fucked up buffet.

The only problem with a fucked up buffet is how many times a night you have to clean the sneeze guard.

LOL Yep.
For my fantasy menu, it would be Asami, Kuroda, Kirishima, and Fei, with a side of Yoh and Souh if I have time for more. To me, Aki and his friends are like small fish I would throw back so they could grow to be something I want to eat later. I will always pass on Yuri and Sudou--I don't like slimey things either. Sakazaki, Mitarai and Mikhail would require major makeovers or lots of alcohol for me. You can eat a lot unsavory food by covering it with cheese, but don't know if that doesn't work as well with personalities.

What a yuri discrimination. Is it because he hurt poor aki? " Why chose just one? when you can have them all ". Interpretation saying have a buffet. Why you guys so defensive just replying what posted.

I agree. We can't really call it a true buffet unless we include that little Chinese guy with the tiny glasses from chapter two. Too bad the stalker guy is dead, though, or we could have him, too.

You can have Yuri. I'm just saying what dishes I like. Whatever floats your boat.
To answer your question, yes, for me it's because Yuri's self-hatred and denial of his own attractions made Yuri choke and try kill Aki, leaving Aki traumatized. It's hard for me to see that as a metaphor for anything. It's not sexy; it's just violence. Many of the characters are some kind of hot mess, but they have various redeeming aspects that make them sexy to me. For me, Yuri lacks that and he deserves to face the kind of pain he gives others. As long as he takes out his self-hatred or other personal issues on others, he will not be sexy to me.
I'm just chatting. I also dislike pineapple on pizza, but it doesn't bother me if you eat it. He's all yours.

Why? Because Yuri is fucking okra. I hate okra and will avoid it at ALL COSTS. There's nothing redeemable about it. There's *much* better choices on the buffet (and I am certainly not limiting myself to just one).
Then again, under the right circumstances, slimy can be acceptable. I happen to like raw oysters. Put them with some spicy horseradish and a beer chaser, and I'm all over it. This is where I would put Sakazaki and Mitarai. Under the right circumstances (hot spice and alcohol), they might be surprisingly enjoyable.
Then again, my tastes tend to be questionable.
Sudou is the fancy garnish that decorates the buffet on the side. Who the hell eats that?!
Totally bland and tasteless.

NONONO, babe... I would make Akihito the guy to join me on wildlife photoshoots for some cool magazine (which pays a shedload of money for these pictures, of course!) and make him my clubbing and drinking buddy. But Asami? Asami goes straight into my BED. Fulltime. And PRONTO. ;) Can you imagine coming home after a day's hard work and finding THAT *points at Asami* under the covers? Phaw! :D I would instantly lower my sleeping hours to approx. 1.5 hours per night. Girl's gotta have some nookie!

Anoni Grrl, J unleashed, Annoymous, loved your buffet ideas.

...but I think it would have been pretty neat to see Ryuu/Atsuya. I found their dynamic really interesting.
Granted, this is mostly because I want to see Ryuu in other relationships. I normally love queen uke/servile seme pairings, but Tofu doctor didn't really appeal to me as a character...
And I think it's pretty self-explanatory why I don't like Hosaka/Ryuu, lmao.

Before I start, I'm going to make something clear: This is going to be Kijima hate. Thus, if you like Kijima as a character, please don't read this.
I really detest Kijima. I can't stand his callous and flippant attitude, and how he excuses his behavior by constantly reasserting that he's serious and playing on Jinnai's sympathies. It's absolutely disgusting.
I understand that Kijima is in pain as well-- he's been in love with Jinnai for years, and unrequited love can be painful. I don't fault him for his feelings. He can't control those, and being bitter about not having his love reciprocated is natural. Hell, it's even understandable that he wants Jinnai and Reiichirou to break up, and use that as an opportunity.
But what I can't stand is... how disrespectful he is. How RUDE he is. Just, just... how inconsiderate do you have to be to blatantly hit on someone who's told you repeatedly that he is NOT interested in being in a romantic relationship with you, especially if he has a partner? Who's also made it clear that he does not appreciate your behavior?
Just because you're in love with a character doesn't give you the right to ignore their other romantic engagements, and FORCE your feelings on to them. And it's not even as if he's merely flirting-- Kijima actually makes sexual advances on Jinnai as well, such as kissing. That's abhorrent.
If Reiichriou and Jinnai had broken up because they couldn't reconcile their problems, and Jinnai actually went to Kijima for comfort, then his actions would be fine. But it is NOTHING like that. Even when the couple is happy, Kijima intentionally acts to interfere, and break them up. He doesn't give a shit for other people's feelings.
That's ridiculous. And his reasoning is ridiculous as well:
"Hey man, I didn't make advances on you before because I thought you were straight, but now that you're gay, I will make some! Oh, you're in a relationship? Ah, but you're insecure about it, so I'm pretty sure there will be problems! And he will cause you problems! Choose me instead!"
THIS IS JUST SO DISRESPECTFUL, AND I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW HOW PEOPLE CAN POSSIBLY LIKE SUCH AN ABHORRENT CHARACTER. His actions are absolutely repulsive, and while I love the main couple's dynamic, Kijima's action just ruined this manga for me on so many levels.
And it's not even the fact that Kijima is a character that I'm upset; I'm infuriated by how he's PORTRAYED. He's meant to be the sympathetic antagonist, and eventually the main characters are supposed to come around and accept his behavior, and come to realize that he's actually a "good person."
He is NOT a good person.
And I'm sorry, but Jinnai is also really selfish for not breaking up his relationship with Kijima. I rarely want someone to break their bonds with another simply for their lover-- however, this time, I think it would have been the right thing to do.
Because Kijima doesn't respect his relationship. And more importantly, because Kijima doesn't respect his lover, and purposely does shit to UPSET his lover.
If a "friend" or whatever the hell he is pulls that crap, then he ain't your fucking friend. He's just a self-centered bastard who can't look past his own dick.
And what's even more ridiculous is that Jinnai gets pissed off at Reiichirou for the follow up meetings after the omiai, but continue seeing Kijima in private, while FULLY AWARE OF KIJIMA'S INTENTIONS. Jinnai understands (and even acknowledges) that Kijima will try to prey on him when they're alone. And Reiichirou's even asked him to stop.
Yet, Jinnai sees nothing wrong with meeting up with Kijima? And while I know he repents for this, he still has 0.00% right to get upset at Reiichirou for his omiai meetings with his hypocritical behavior.
I'm sorry, I'm really salty about how Kijima's character was handled here. It's just--
Kijima is not some victim. And Jinnai shouldn't encourage his behavior.
Yet that's how the manga portrays Kijima, and Jinnai DOES allow Kijima to continue his ministrations (by knowingly creating the opportunity).
And I can't stand that. I really can't.

I think their relationship worked progress was also thanks to kijima, because of kijima's LOVE being persistent toward jinnai it makes reiichirou getting jealous and reiichirou being open of his feelling a bit possesive toward jinnai (claimming his mine, so give up!!) Hahahhaha so cuuuute and kijima is a fair person, maybe this only his chance to get jinnai attention of his desperate feeling of jinnai but he said clearly to reiichirou and at the end he tell reiichirou about he is being rejcted at last and admitted to reiichirou that only reiichirou that jinnai loves aaauch not to mention he could be just messing with reiichirou by telling a lie and all, because his love was hopelessly throne out by jinnai because of reiichirou, so that's why I feel thanked for kijima for his bravery hehehehe :D

I love Kijima. It's not like he forced them to separate or anything. He just took advantage of their down times, and I don't see anything wrong with doing so.
You really put a lot of emotion and effort into this, but I strongly disagree. Kijima is a good person.

Just to clarify: I'm not here to convince people that Kijima is a horrible person who everyone should detest. That's why I stated in the beginning that my comment was going to be Kijima hate, and why I didn't want people that liked him to read it and get upset. (Because if I had a character I loved that someone started trashing without warning, I'd burn a fuse, haha.) I simply wrote this comment because I was outraged by his actions, and really just wanted to vent it out, and maybe see some people agree with me, so we could vent together. Mutual frustration and all that jazz.
If you want to talk about Kijima and why you love him, feel free to do so. I'll be more than happy to respond. But I think at the end of the day, I'll still detest Kijima, and we're probably going to have to agree to disagree.

Why is everyone in love with Asami?

People are in love with this manga. Some love Asami for his power, some love Takaba for his
'pureness', some love Feilong for his badassness. Some love Arbatov just bec you can't help yourself. And then their is Kirishima who can fire an Ak45 while cooking dinner(I made that up). The men of ViewFinder. even the missing Suoh hahahahaha I forgot Crazy Sudoh They have fans too.

Wow, there are just so many reasons. Well, he is powerful, sexy, not the cliched romantic type, extremely smart, faithful and quick along with mysterious and teasing him is fun. He has his own sweet times and does things for the one he loves to make him happy. Asami can cheer up Akihito and doesn't like to see him get hurt physically or mentally. He encourages independence. He is protective and possessive. For a cold blooded person he came to love someone and became protective of them. Well, what's not to like?

I even love Asami weakness ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ look at his face so priceless! http://ex5.unixmanga.net/onlinereading/?image=View%20Finder/View%20Finder%20c030b/ViewFinder_v05_Extra01___009.jpg&server=nas.html

And Kuroda. One of us has a crush on Kuroda.
But Asami is sexy. And there is this:

I do kinda like him, but I think he's hopelessly overrated. He's a bit cliched and not all that interesting in my eyes, but to each their own I guess...as has been pointed out, there's tons of other stuff to enjoy about the manga though. ^^

I think the fact that Asami is "mysterious" allows us to imagine non-cliche details about him. There are some interesting twists in what we do know. For example, the way he usually aims for the hand holding a gun unless he is really angry, the way he lets Aki run away just to real Aki back in (most possessive semes don't allow that much freedom) , or the way he has various plots going on around him that have nothing to do with his love life.

There may be some twists here and there but all in all he still doesn't seem very special to me. It's just my personal opinion. I won't try to stop anyone from liking him :)

I think what I love the most about Asami is that he always lets Aki do his own thing. Unlike a lot of yaoi where the seme is so possessive that the uke can't even talk to another guy, Asami gives Aki his space and lets him run away. (he only ties him up for some kinky sex (︶︿︶)=凸

Minis you got us good. hahahahahahaha. 1 the people in the story have to bec. that is the way it is written. 2 he is the main heart throb/ hero (has strong sexual appeal ) and savior. 3 fills that protector role in the story.

The funny thing is, if you wanna get technical it's Feilong who has the most love interests/admirers (in some shape or form) ... He had something going on with Asami, with Akihito as well, Yoh is in love with him, he was lusted after by Yan Tsui, Mikhail totally has the hots for him and it seems even Tao might be head over heels. And there was that guy who started stripping when Fei wanted to see his subordinates' palms (though I'm not sure that one counts).

Because he is...Asami.
Love is blind, uknow?

i agree with you...
i love this manga... i love the story...

I honestly feel so conflicted over this latest chapter (9). I love the character development it provides for both Kuze and Kusakabe, especially regarding the latter's enormous emotional strength. However...
Given the former chapter (8), I can't find myself to support Kuze/Kusakabe in the light the manga is portraying right now. Sure, it's not all fluff and happiness-- the author clearly understands that Kuze did something wrong, and did not hesitate to show us Kusakabe's disgust to it. However, it almost felt like Kuze's backstory was... an excuse for his behavior, something that almost condoned it. And compared to Karino/Azusa, this relationship is definitely portrayed in a much more positive light.
But the thing for me is that I find it very difficult to look at a couple in which one person completely betrays the other's trust, and think of it as a mutually favorable relationship, which the manga pushes-- they're both supposed to protect each other. Here, it almost feels like Kuze is a victim of his past, and Kusakabe is his savior. (I know I'm simplifying this a bit, but bear with me.) On the other hand, all Kuze is providing Kusakabe is with a bit of "reality check" from his idealistic notions.
I'm sorry, I understand that my opinion is extremely biased given the events of Chapter 8, which still lingers in my mind. I don't think I can ever find it in my heart to truly embrace this couple.
If anything, Chapter 8 made me support Kusakabe/Azusa. I was hesitant in the beginning (when some people shipped it) because of Azusa's condescending attitude towards Kusakabe, but the chapter showed us that Azusa would not betray Kusakabe's trust. Azusa isn't some god-- he's not going to live above societal expectations and treat a stranger Kusakabe with respect; hell, he'll do the opposite, especially as a King. But when Kusakabe becomes his friend, he's willing to set aside his own pride and comfort him. Honestly, given Azusa's mostly asshole'ish behavior, Chapter 8 Azusa came as a huge shock for me.
...But I'm completely digressing from my original point and merely proving that I'm a biased shipper, so I'll just end the comment here. ^^;;
I like a lot of Natsume Isaku's works, but this one is my favorite among hers. :)