I read the description and some of the comments of this manga and I want to read it (´ヮ`) but I need to clarify some things before I do so, Is the main character a girl or a boy? ( I can't trust in the description (Θ︹Θ)ს ) and is it really shounen ai? And how much is there in the story? (^-^)

ok, first the main characer is a boy->Rakan, very sweet and funny, also very strong-willed. Second, the shounen-ai part is just expressed with close feelings. I don`t remember kisses so far, so someone even may call it deep platonical love. I mean, if you don`t like shounen-ai, you can accept their feelings as a deep bond or very strong frenship and dependence on one another.
P.s. you will deffinetely like the story. have fun reading : )
If I was in that school I would have choosen Suzuki (glasses guy) in the rental butler ≧▽≦y