god finally ochi is so annoying i cant stand him

I understand both POV. She defo has some sort of personality disorder mostly likely BPD. She has a fear of being abandoned so she clings onto any human interaction/relationship she can get in her grasp. However she maintains these relationships/interactions in an unhealthy/toxic way. Now with ochi, imagine how you would feel if ur bestfriend e.g Hiroshi who u were know to be very very close with to the point when u played ur favourite sport with, rather than being your own person u were know to be part of the most powerful/glorified duo of all time in highschool/middleschool. It was to the point it was abnormal for u to be seen playing baseball without Hiroshi. Now imagine how u would react when you see your bsf wasting his potential on someone who’s like sucking the life out of him. Furthermore if your bsf never met this “parasite” he would’ve never broken his shoulder and jeopardise his future career as a baseball player. Ochi is looking out for him because the way kanae victimises herself is somewhat only apparent to him. Are you forgetting how she got a girl r@ped just bc of some petty ass friendship group issues? Lord I understand kanae but in no way would I defend the way she sucks the life out of people e.g that one neighbour guy

im not defending her, im aware of the wrongs she does and im not in any way excusing it, i just get why she is that way, i also get his pov i wouldnt act any different if someone did this to my bff but i still dislike him im not a fan of his character! i would say more but im really bad with words lollll

ugggg kanae is really so relatable i totally get her….. i gen believe that if u dislike her you just don’t understand cuz youve never been in those situations or felt those ways before, her thought process might also be hard if u dont experience the same ( ̄∇ ̄")

I like her and all + been in the same position, but you can't say that they don't understand her if they dislike her, even if all of us go through those kinds of thoughts most of us don't actually pay someone to rape those we don't like, not to mention she's based on the author's other messed up child p mangas
the end always makes me cry hina is so relatable!!! ╥﹏╥