no. answered question about question
you want a hot take? if my wife was in danger during pregnancy and i only get to pick to save the kid or MY WIFE, i would always pick THE LOVE OF MY LIFE OBVIOUSLY idk if that's like controversial for you but in my country that's like asking to get hate crimed in the med field, men here think women are just birth machines, most comments i see i......
no. answered question about question
may i break the rules and name the show Hannibal (i just wanna fuck will graham) will:
no. answered question about question
he's literally me like deadass, like straight up
no. shared experience about drawing
so i asked last time, mostly black hair and shit so thank you
no. answered question about question
having a child, providing a house, food and basic needs for the child is not being a good parent, that is literally your fucking duty to take responsibility of the life you created
no. answered question about question
can yall leave this for reddit like why are we getting historical on a manga site lawddd
no. answered question about question
i'm gonna tell my friends that me and my gf are having an open relationship, can't wait for the reactions
no. shared experience about drawing
remember ? well i did 3 but i'm not finished, i'll do the other ones when i got time whoops here u go! from @Nye from @kim_dokjas_ass lastly from @balls inspector
no. answered question about question
unnecessary info like why do i wanna see them fucking when one is drunk or just not sober
no. answered question about question
ima be honest why tf would yall change the ethnicity of a character when you can ykkk make an original character, just a suggestion!
no. answered question about question
yeaa ur a piece of shit, that's what his preference is, he's literally what those authors write about, gay men. He has the right to say that he finds it weird which is valid. Same thing wit like lesbian women can find it disgusting when male authors write yuri, it's not sexist, it's just better if someone of your community writes abt smth in ur com......
no. asked question about real life problems

show me your ocs and tell me everything about them, if they interestin enough, i'll draw em

no. answered question about question
solo leveling, i think it's just pretty normal, def overhyped, all i rmb is weak guy gets strong, defeats everyone
no. answered question about being single
some of these answers ain't even unpopular or a hot take let me give you a fire ball, giving the villian a bad backstory doesn't make them any less of a piece of shit, mfs use ts to justify their actions like ok he got hit by his mom now he beats women like tf??
no. answered question about question
hearing others trauma dumping, when someone trauma dump on me, IDK I KINDA LIKE IT cuz ur comfortable and trust me enough to tell me
no. answered question about question
i hate when authors make a piece of shit main character who ruins everything for everyone and call it psychology, the character having mental illness doesn't help us understand why they do ts ☠️ ur not showing the aspect of a mentally ill person, ur just showing us an asshole
no. answered question about question
this aint the worst take from what ive seen on them days of mangago but boy is it not good, you think that we aren't allowed to shit on actual shitty authors, it's called free speech but wished it wasn't free for you because holy shit this was a mouthful of nothing
no. answered question about question
would you rather eat ass or get your ass eaten
no. answered question about question
hmmm t ít thấy có ai người việt chúng t là người việt, đèn giao thông đéo có nghĩa j nếu ở đó ko có công an ️️
no. answered question about question
you don't hate the community just because SOME parts of the community are bad, that's not how it works are you slow? green: "they always complain" trans people are 4 times more experienced with public assault compared to cis people you fucking idiot of course they have to speak up to spread awareness red: let's not forget you just insulted trans ......