its always some conventionally pretty guy with long eyelashes abusin and rapin a more stereotypically masculine guy who's rude
i cant help but be intrigued even tho its disgustin i want to know what happened that led to this malicious and devious behavior shi u can just tell me in the replies btw i do not wanna waste my time on this

back in 2022 i couldn't stop rereading this, it was like a drug to me because i see myself in both of them, i cant believe its been 3 years already and it's still as good as i remember.
when Cole cheated on Brad it wasn't that his feelings were shaken or he felt something for Brad, it was more like a power move, to show that Cole can indeed pull bitches but it's a desperate move, he didn't cheat because he wants to, he cheated just to prove himself to whatever inferior complex in his head that he's beneath Alex
Alex is a narcissist, when he found out Cole cheated, did he think Brad did it because Brad wanted Cole? nah Alex thought Brad did it because he wanted to take revenge on Alex
everything is about him, he's the center of the spotlight, he didn't think of Cole as an equal starting out, Alex's very flawed and i love it, it's so human, Cole feeds into that narcissism, he thinks Alex is so much better, so perfect that it hurts himself in the process, the insecurity gnaws at him but he would never tell Alex because Alex "wouldn't understand" which is true! Alex told Cole about all the women he dated, feeling like shit but does Alex take time to figure out why? No because he thinks he's being such a good boyfriend so he doesn't give a shit
it's pretty realistic, that's why i love it
let him die wtf u doin, this is literally ur chance to just getting revenge and getting away wit it, u weren't the one who stabbed him
oh wait ur still reading this? (same)