pr1nc3ss want to do ( All 1 )

tried to kill yourself

pr1nc3ss's experience ( All 0 )

pr1nc3ss's answer ( All 28 )

Akasshi Keiji Akise Aru Kaworu Isshiki   reply
29 08,2020
if I tell someone abt how I hate existing then I feel like I’m wasting their time with my shitty ass. And that makes me feel even worse   reply
24 08,2020
24 08,2020
24 08,2020
now ppl are just doing this for attention and it’s fucking annoying. just stop, it’s not even entertaining at this point   1 reply
23 08,2020
having to wake up in the morning and realizing I didn’t die yet lol   2 reply
23 08,2020

pr1nc3ss's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

2 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

4 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


14 hours