Omg I read all the raws and I feel so bad for him, all he wants is for him to like him ighhh. and those people are so mean to him. I bet he is gonna start falling for the blonde guy.
Omg I read all the raws and I feel so bad for him, all he wants is for him to like him ighhh. and those people are so mean to him. I bet he is gonna start falling for the blonde guy. Zoemonsterhorse
Omg you scared me now 0_0 don't spoil more though please
Omg I read all the raws and I feel so bad for him, all he wants is for him to like him ighhh. and those people are so mean to him. I bet he is gonna start falling for the blonde guy. Zoemonsterhorse
Omg I read all the raws and I feel so bad for him, all he wants is for him to like him ighhh. and those people are so mean to him. I bet he is gonna start falling for the blonde guy. Zoemonsterhorse
Same! Im on team blonde guy period.. dis hoe yahwi dont deserve him
Like honestly, while reading it, it seems like the black hair guy isn’t really into all of it, but like he is but is confused, and I feel like the brown hair boy might be better off with the blonde . Hopefully I am wrong
Same! Im on team blonde guy period.. dis hoe yahwi dont deserve him Dee:)
Honestly same, while reading the raw I was just getting so mad. He doesn’t deserve him, he needs someone that cares about him. And I think the blonde guy is gonna give him that heheheh
true like I would've renamed Prof Jin to something else firsthand when working undercover like who is so dumb to name the stuff with their original names when in "Enemy" territory
Hyun is over reacting a little bit.. they weren’t holding hand or making out or sumn they where at the hospital eating he should listen to what youngjun has to say before doing allet he was doing
Uhmm noo? Hyun liked him for numerous fucking years. He never even thought nor dared think they'd ever be an item. That is a perfectly normal response for a person with a mental illness like that
Uhmm noo? Hyun liked him for numerous fucking years. He never even thought nor dared think they'd ever be an item. That is a perfectly normal response for a person with a mental illness like that hHmmMmm
Wheres the strikethrough font with 'with a mental illness's
Exactly. Its a mental illness being that obsessed. So hes doing the most. He should have the sense to at least listen to what the mf has to say first. Dee:)
Uhm thank you for that but I think you don't understand mentally ill people. I know a lot of such people and most would react like Hyun did. You can't rational with such people they aren't people with normal functioning brain
Aww! He secretly cares. Hes so cute