i wish i let this marinate because now im going insane
Welcome To Heartbreak
When one of them has feelings but the other one
doesn’t yet and they go thru that process.
orrr anytime one of them fucks up and hurts the others
Overall, we luv a crawling regretful seme/uke :)
i love that feeling of hurt and heart clenching pain
misunderstandings and angst
The regret just feels so GOOD
*my comments most likely have spoilers… read cautiously
sometimes i’ll add a song that i feel fits the story
rec plz
i only read the first few panels of licky's dogma and i don't want to read the rest
i hate all of you
I want yall to tell me how yalls first love ended or continued bc I've literally never had a genuine crush on someone for all these years on earth so now I'm just feeling nosy and wanting to know other people's experiences
he’s happy happy
this was such a sad read