These new trolls coming out to support the author's actions need to learn to use a dictionary.
Doxxing is defined as a cyber attack that involves discovering the real identity of an Internet user. The attacker then reveals that person's details so others can target them with malicious attacks. Doxxing is analyzing information posted online by the victim in order to identify and later harass that person.
YD did actively indulge in and encourage doxxing when she was sharing the IDs of the translator and asked her followers to give her information.
Bounty doesn't mean hiring a hitman. A bounty is an old fashioned way to define a reward for an action. In this case, she was offering $1000 for the info of the translator. She was offering a reward for an action that allows her to "dox" someone.
Also no one's made mention of any hitman apart from the trolls.
And please keep in mind her body of work ain't even that good. This is the same author who wrote the weird as hell Snow White BL. She had one BL gain popularity and suddenly doesn't know how to act anymore
That's it from me. Peace out (︶︿︶)=凸
There better not be any conflict or confusion between these too! The green flags are so refreshing
I came here to say this exactly!!!! if there is any kind off drama that isn’t something past like their childhoods that they help each other to deal with aka come to terms with it ima trow a tantrum like no other ever has!!!! This is not a threat. This is a promise!