if i was ranmaru i would've just kms because what???? 11 years?? saw someone here say that nobunaga prolly already got with someone else to ease his pain aur...i would've just fr commit seppuku infront of them
Was thinking the same but he might trapped in the loop of back and forth if he keep died in unnatural cause, considering how big the time difference between travel, it will just make everything worse, would be good in case being petty and giving nobu more trauma tho lol
. —Nobunaga doesn’t really get with anyone. He does have a new page, and the new page is the real Mori. If you look in Wikipedia, Ranmaru Mori’s other name is: Naritoshi Mori. The new page’s name is Naritoshi Mori, whereas our MC named himself Ranmaru Mori iirc.
dangerous convenience store pops in my mind lol. There’s also one called on and off that’s good. i’m trying to think of other bl’s that i’ve read previously so i’ll come back if i remember any (:
you gotta be kidding me rn