Funny story for anyone who reads yaoi (well funny now because it happened years ago): so I was just reading “Pittosporum” where the mother of one of the mcs was cheated on by her husband who was actually gay and she got trauma from it, and it reminded me of how one of my mums best friends was planning a wedding with her partner and a few days before her wedding she met up with some very old friends of hers and her fiancés (they they’ve not seen in a long time). She was telling the m how they’re getting married in a few days and they burst into laughter saying “you’re joking right, you DO know he’s gay??!”. Obviously she broke it off with him after that, turned out that he just wanted to hide the fact that he’s gay from his family, and she’s happily married with kids now, but really goes to show how some people are insecure enough to marry someone who they don’t actually care about to hide their sexuality while hiding away to cheat with their preferred gender (back to the manga though, like if you’re gonna cheat on the woman with men anyway, why marry and have kids to begin with, just continue sleeping with the men in secret without ruining a woman’s life for no reason in the process?).