This is bullshit. She worked so hard for it and they just took it away from her and placed her where she doesn’t want to be without her consent and she just nods along with it. Bloody bullshit. If this were me I would have made it clear that no, I’m not doing this and I want compensation for the position you cost me.

Manga4life asked a question

I’m kind of fed up with the whole “I want to be a magician, but I have no magic power, but I’ll become one anyway~” troupe. Or basically any other similar scenario where mc wants to become something he can’t (because he doesn’t have the attribute for it), but decides he’s gonna do it anyway through sheer willpower. Like mate, if you want to be a fire mage but you can only use water magic, making water in the shape of flames will not make you a fire mage. You are still in fact a water mage. Give up on that original goal, move on and succeed in your own field.

Eh. The naked child scenes are bothering me. Like a lot. And they confusing me as well because they call him old man but he looks like a teenager. And has harem tags. Bit worried where they’ll take this one.

Manga4life created a topic of For the Musical Genius

I love this so
Much I want moreeeee

Manga4life created a topic of Dances With Wolves

Turn around for 5 minutes and suddenly whole story is there

Manga4life created a topic of ENNEAD

I’m behind by like a year and some on this. Is anything interesting going on? Has anything been resolved yet? Should I try to catch up now or keep this on the shelf for some more?

Manga4life created a topic of Eleceed

Silly question. I may have missed it if it was mentioned, but what happened to mc dad? We meet his mum but I can’t remember anything about his dad? (Well, I get that everybody and their grandma is basically a father figure to him, which I love, but where the genetic one at )

I genuinely don’t understand why manga authors choose to give their characters 4 ears. Like mate, not only are you plopping a set of animal ears on top of their head, but you’re also giving them a set of human ones on the sides. How does that even work? Like does the world have to be mega quiet? Aren’t they all going to go deaf? Just from hearing so much? Which ears would they use when making a phone call? How does this all connect to the brain? Either stick to one pair or give them long hair (like wolf dude here) to cover the sides of the head. It doesn’t look good, it looks weird as hell and distracts from the story.

Does anyone know who the shounen ai part is between? Like who ends up shounen ai?

Manga4life created a topic of The Male Lead is Mine!

Yo. I’m very behind on this like I’ve not read it in months so I basically clicked on chapter 42 just to see what’s up and holy hell. What happened. Did my 6 year old sister get into art or something? Because that is B A D. Especially considering that this started off with such a pretty art style. That then got bad. And now seems even worse?

Eh. Am I the only one confused right now? Like is chapter 13 a flashback to when she broke the sword or is it a different fight? Like one chapter they were talking about negotiations and next bam. They fighting.

Manga4life asked a question

I read this yaoi ages ago I can’t quite remember the main story but the spin off was about the guardians of the main couple one of them was a fox spirit (m bottom) and the other was a dog or wolf spirit (s top). And I just remember that the top kept pursuing the bottom and ended up scratching him up. They had a wedding and kids. Does anyone know the title?

Manga4life asked a question

I’m looking for a manwha where mc is a young girl that gets adopted by a strong (I think he may have been a high ranking demon? He had magic I remember that much) dude and she finds in his basement a locked up child that is his clone with his memories and they become friends. Does anyone know the title?

Manga4life created a topic of Ashtarte

Love how quickly they replaced one butch with another

Anyone know something similar to this?

People, don’t read chapter 8 until chapter 9 comes out. Save yourselves some stress.

Manga4life created a topic of brilliance: be mine

I’m up to chapter 14, when do they find out that he was almost killed when he tried to visit them?

I really hope they get divorced and he gets custody of his daughter. The mother is fucked up. She abuses her husband and is starting to mistreat the daughter more and more, pushing her ideals and delusions onto her. That scene where she was banging on the door screaming at the daughter is terrible, telling her to stay there for the rest of her life. This is leading up to abusive parenting I swear.

I’m only up till chapter 14, but he’s an idiot. If he had all that money he should have been building a house in the middle of nowhere or buying one in the middle of nowhere with a bunker and underground greenhouse or something. Instead he’s in the middle of a crowded building, sending out pictures of food, watching tv and using heating when the rest of the city has no power. He literally wants to make people ask for help just to refuse them and he wants them to attack him just so he can kill them. He’s provoking everyone around him. What a sadistic man child.