Are the chapters getting shorter or is it just me? Like literally nothing happened in ch 70. Nada. Is the author getting bored or somethin??
No I mean I see that what’s his name is trying to get closer to her but the fact that it’s been happening for a while and no progress is being made just makes the chapter feel “empty”. It took me about 40 seconds to read through it at most. Feel like the chapters are way too short considering the extremely slow pacing, and an oh I like her doesn’t really make a chapter, well, a chapter for me personally.
Got up to chapter 8 and dropping it now. Ml is a piece of shit. Like how could you ask a woman to marry you as a favour (so you don’t get forced into marrying someone else) and then have her get mistreated by servants and fed salty porridge only? When literally all she asked for was to be fed 3 meals a day and “nap time” aka not overworked to death? And then show up a month later and have her get to work? Like the servants are treated better? At that point ask for divorce, which would be his fault for mistreating her, get the money and get out.
No idea what’s going on. Time to go.