rErE followed question about question

I swear this is the last post I'm going to make about you. I'm sorry for shipping you with other people and slut shaming. You even though I knew you were a minor. Please do not doxxed me as that Will cost me a lot of money I don't have and I will Delete the fanfics About you that I sent to you. Once again, I'm sorry and please forgive me. I hope y......

08 02,2024
rErE answered question about question
My younger sister had similar experience, she has wide hips so she couldn't really do anything about it, like all the women in our family, so she started dressing like me basic, something a boy would wear without thinking twice, doesn't work well for me i am too physically feminine so i have to dress according to my body, but i didn't have an issue......
rErE answered question about question
rErE answered question about question
just tell him to stop being a crybaby over a charger, and then compare him to good children, who don't cry because of charger, then continue to use it to tease him for the rest of his life, starting now be dramatic with the presentation.
rErE answered question about has gone or going to college
101 answered question from 2020 i have a mouth to feed [me] it too much
rErE answered question about eat food
I don't really get the texture thing food is food if i dislike a food, it because it taste like shit, period
rErE answered question about your opinions
remember when we had secrets yea lets keep it that way
rErE followed question about your opinions

What are your thoughts on disability representation in smut? My opinion??? I think we need more smuts written about wheelchair-bound cripples!!!! Like how come we can get smuts written about people that arent normal, gay people, but I cant just get a smut about sum gypsy rose cancer patient with lymphodia on one leg gettin it on w/ two......

21 01,2024
rErE answered question about question
it's cause i know where I am and i value my sanity too much to dangle it before the weirdos in the comments
rErE asked question about question

rErE answered question about question
Honestly i get your question and i thought of the same thing, i personally think most authors have battled with depression or self worth issues, few may have bigger mental health concerns, but they only see the issues from one perspective, that is why it can be hard to explain mental illness as a "normal person" will experience a lot of symptoms o......
rErE followed question about question

and why is it satosugu. with their christmas eve lore. and their kfc lore. their mitski lore. oh their angst lore. how they fit any heartbreak songs out there lore. their breakup and meetup lore. their angst lore. their recognition even after a decade lore. their eyepatch and gojo-gesa lore. their yuta lore. their six eyes and out of control hand l......

26 12,2023
rErE answered question about explain your username
It my pet name, only my mum calls me that
rErE answered question about read all the yaoi in the world
When they claim something is erotic, but it not, it doesn't come close and it very weird that the character finds it erotic, says a lot about the writer. Unnecessary problems on the couples path and their either don't address that it was stupid to begin with or they milk the problem dry and i can't read it any longer same goes with shoujo or roman......
rErE answered question about question
save £3500 pounds before August for my citizenship, or take a bloody loan which i want to avoid as i have no debt right now.
rErE followed question about make friend from this site

Make the most. Unhinged random unholy and stupid cream with an s worth y/n story

08 12,2023
rErE answered question about question
I don't like her works, i have read them but i don't like them because it over exaggerates the complexities of life, this is okay if you can keep fiction and reality separate but a lot of her fans aren't the most mentally stable, so they tend to think they relate to the character, still to each their own.
rErE answered question about question
I am a degree apprentice nurse [uni and working] i started September, took a gap year after my A-levels, found this during the pandemic in year 11 looking for if love falls on you, been here every since.
rErE followed question about first love

What was the most wildest thing that your eyes have had the misfortune of witnessing?

04 12,2023
rErE answered question about dating
Whenever I do the test, usually twice in a span or 3 to 5 months, it’s either INTP or ISTP, at least the TP is consistent.