Every body is acting like Rudiger is supposed to know what she has been through, he doesn't he is not poor, he saw poor conditions and responded as a normal person should, you guys are talking about empathy, it something you develop you are not born with it, just because you are emotional doesn't mean you are empathetic, like a bitch is a bitch emotional or not.
Plenty of people are to blame, the biggest one is Lucas father, the same can be said for the grandmother for running away and leading to this mess, the same can be said for the late sister for not talking to her about the issues she was facing and the child, she did not know it will lead to this mess.
Every body is saying Rudiger is holier than thou, she asked for child support for a child she hated and some how managed to abuse, trauma or not it still abuse she knew what she was doing, she was not a good person and it took dying and seeing her life from an outsiders perspective to realise her trashy behaviour, back to Rudiger-----she was screaming, Lucas could hear her did she think about that no, of course he looked at her like that you would do the same if you were him, you are the holier than though here.
Let not forget fantasy or not on that time in our world, loyalty was worth more than love, Rudiger was loyal to Lucas, he cherished and loved him the way he knew how, as you can see he was not the express your feeling kind of gal till Judith's time reversal, he didn't have to look at his life after death to see were he was wrong because he had help to point out his mistakes, something that was not available the first time.
Everybody is at fault from the former king to Judith, Lucas decision were and have been based solely on how everybody behaved before, but now that it is a different route he scared he's the one we should be focusing on, Rudiger and Judith were not the best people Judith was even worse but she redeemed herself, same goes for Rudiger, did you ever think of his own trauma aren't you seeing his family dynamic.
Am not angry just want to bring your mind this overall conversation looking at it from multiple perspectives

There are really plenty of people to blame in their situation but most of the comment are focused on Rudiger because he was there at the confrontation with Judith. Its not like its all Rudiger fault but the chapter focus on him so people were gonna scrutinize his behavior
You're talking about multiple perspective but you're literally biased to male lead than to Judith. You called her trashy behaviour and others but did you even think how she suffer? You're so naive to think that raising someone in a middle ages with no support and constantly under abuse by people around you will not destroy your mind.
But Judith persevere. Yes it's wrong for her to hate Lucas because of her hatred to his father. But Judith raised him, feed him, didnt abuse him and worked herself harder so she can raised him while she wither away her youth and suffer from loneliness and abuse from men. What holier than thou you are if you think she's living not even a winning life but just ordinary life that didn't worry in food, clothes and daily necessities.
And Rudiger he only found out about Luca because he wanted to avoid getting married to Royal family. If he's really that sincere when Jonas died he should've investigated his letter and he will discovered Judith's sister letter.

It took Judith dying, loosing her memory of her connection to Lucas and looking at her life form a novel perspective to realise she fucked up, she did not have principles, it simple no matter what you think that fact will not change and you misunderstand me I think that I am kissing Rudiger ass, I said she did what she had to do, but I'm saying that instead of only blaming Rudiger blame Judith too people are declining her role in this situation because she suffered, instead they are all saying that Rudiger is the bad person here.
Yes she did what she had to do doesn't make what she did any much good she did the bare minimum and even less by todays standards, since we all want to judge by modern standards let me do it too for Judith.
I don't hate her in fact I love her character, I love the Redemption, I love everything about it, but I will call out bullshit when I see it, this is the medivial era, everybody else is acting like it in the modern era, so don't come for me, your all blaming him for situations out of his control,like he supposed to know her struggles.
If you remember what I said I mentioned she's poor I'm not talking about what she did I said her behavior was trashy it doesn't matter she's broke or she's rich trashy behavior is trashy behavior no matter your circumstances, I am talking about how she decided to take the situation, I understand getting angry that is stranger comes into your house and starts blaming you for stuff you can control, but the fact that she chose to respond with anger and hatred said a lot about her.
And your last paragraph doesn't hold up in this argument we all know his brother was a sociopath that managed to cut out everybody from his life will using the for his own benefit, i don't know how you thought he will know his brother life when they are miles away from their county and there is no internet. And him not wanting to marry doesn't diminish the problem if anything it was good because he was able to find Lucas least he dies due to illness and negligence, after all Judith taught it was okay to leave a child less than 5 years of age alone in a house with no fire wood, she may not have known he was sick but she knew everything else and she felt no guilt then because she hated him.
That is what i want people to acknowledge that Rudiger is good but Judith is a Gray character we then see her grow and become good like Rudiger, most of the comment put them in a small box and where not challenged on their obviously narrow minded opinion, but when i challenge it i am suddenly naive and holier than though and it kind of sad that you come to that conclusion cause i am 99.99% sure that you never thought of this situation in this manner. I am so sure i am willing to give you my eye, let's hold men and women to the same standard, don't cherry pick the fact acknowledge how it affects your outlook on the person and determine if you can move on or if you can't, that is how you put out an argument, don't ignore their flaws and don't cherry pick their wins it's dishonest.
I am very sure you will reply with " how am i dishonest i said that Judith did bad", yes but you refuse to acknowledge that Rudiger did not really/logically do anything wrong and you are trying got diminish his love for his nephew blaming it on convince.
PS: "He didn't know Jonas had a child he was not obsessed with him, he was not a stalker, it was not his business"

Where I cherry picked them you're so focused on your hatred on Judith that you didn't see her merit
There many wrong in your statement. And You're writing a whole paragraph that sums up Rudiger is screaming good guy that never done wrong while pushing all the blame on Judith whose living a poor life albeit staying human and taking her nephew which she really didn't need to do but she do it regardless.
First Judith can send Lucas to orphanage and escape her shithole of situation but she didn't do it. She stay in that miserable place to take care her own nephew until he get a bit older where she realize he looked nothing her sister but the scum of his father.
Second you say she dont have any guilt leaving Lucas in the house while he had fever?
Are we reading the same thing? Judith didnt plan to attend the festival. In fact she never went one because she's working and raising Luca but she only came because of her friend insistence and she didn't know Luca was sick?
Do you even read that? Or do you have issue in reading comprehension?
And about Rudiger not finding the letter? Are you really that ugh whatever. Jonas died and he didn't even investigate his death but they're close so it's given but the letters are different all of the letters sent to the family was recorded and undergoes the servant screening like what Judith used to prove Jonas didnt meet that other lady so why do you think Rudiger didn't found out Luca sooner? He only care because of his marriage talk that's why he took initiative to look into his letters to look for any chance of Jonas illegitimate offspring.
And Rudiger didn't love Luca that's a fact that you can't deny. He only do it out of sense of responsibility and nothing more.
Rudiger is a perfect noble but he's no mean a good person. He's also a GRAY character that has it's own development where he started open his heart and care more in the second life and show more emotions than the ice cold generic type.
Both Judith and Rudiger are both GRAY character whose driven by their own circumstances and desire so it's not fair to push all the blame to one side an
d whitewash the other.
P.s. You need to try harder in you're reading comprehension and not just stereo typing the character in their base form. The Author showed a lot of minute details. You should've read it carefully

Once again you are not understanding what i am saying, i gave 2 paragraphs on why both of them are at fault but you took it as i am defending Rudiger, saying that he doesn’t love lucas the only reason that statement exists was because he was trying to get stubborn Lucas to leave i have read the bloody book and you know why he said that suddenly my reading comprehension is shit cause I disagree with you, did I bring up any skills of yours, this argument is all ready in my favour for that shit you pulled out your ass.
You never read that i hated Judith and am not sure were you took that from, just because you were criticised doesn’t mean I suddenly hate her, infact i have made sure to mention multiple time that i live her character but you have managed to convince yourself and your brain that i hate her.
We know how she made it to the festival everybody saw it but even if her friend dragged her she still felt comfortable enough to leave Lucas alone, just because she didn’t give him to the orphanage doesn’t make her former ( since you don’t understand context clues i”ll put it for you) behaviour excusable or justifiably that how much she hated him was she the only one suffering no, Lucas watched his nice aunt becomes bad and spiteful in under 10 minutes, he’s not having fun, but it’s okay cause she is allowed to as only she has suffered.
Just because we understand why she did what she did but it doesn’t mean it’s justified, that what i am trying to say but everyone else got it except you and why is that? Do you just your own bad behaviour with oh i am suffering or trauma.
You have managed to worm your way around my point and insult my intelligence while still said nothing and invalidate everybody else’s feelings and opinions.
I am not going to continue arguing with someone who is objectively and bored and lonely troll cause only a certain kind of idiot to repat a question or an argument that has already been answered all because you didn’t hear what you wanted.
PS: what is wrong with refusing an imperial marriage, not opening the letter you brother who was favoured my your birth mother and in reality is his cousin or even assuming that he thought his brother would knock up a woman of status and the child is leaving well, why should he open the letter of someone he really disliked, would you not avoid stressful people and situations even after they are dead or it resolved, moreover aren’t you the same people who were angry with her in the last chapter saying she’s too stupid and is slowing the progress of the story.
OH a cute new bombshell has entered the villa.. I can't wait