That pink hair bitch is going to annoy our fav couple.why that bitch appear

This is exactly how I was just feeling. When he brushed that pink haired home wrecker off and asked his cousin to take her away...
I was like, “aHaHaHa YaH dUmB bItCh!!! Who do you think you are trying to hug a married man!” I’m sorry for being mean and emotional about it. But I can’t stand character like this one. I can tell she is going to be a whole lot of trouble, drama, revenge and tears will be involved.

I read jihoon isn't beta.he is zeal omega and jihoon and lee kang live together and than jihoon get pregnant.after he knew he have baby and he go to talk with lee kang but lee kang is misundersanding because he thought the girl omega who crush on jihoon is get pregnant with jihoon.he said to kill this child and jihoon also thought lee kang don't want his baby . After that jihoon grandma is die and jihoon decided to leave to give birth that child . season1end
what the hell is wrong with that bastard ml. Fl mental is stable and fall for him. now he's going to do shit... fuck i drop it