I can't believe it's been years and there are still people who read this just to complain and ask for a time skip lmaoo

Oh, I see now. You came here, wanted to go, but your beliefs were too strong, and stayed instead. To slander others. I wouldn't say this manga is good to have, but to not connect "Shota Oni" and "Shounen Ai"... you must've made a mistake there. Go read something else, mate.
And if it would be illegal, it wouldn't have been published. But to think it already has 99 chps and can be found even here... something has to be wrong. Either you don't belong here or I'm a pedo for reading this this blatantly... Have you considered someone just reads it for the brotherly love? Skipping the edging schenes? Or is that pedo, too? And what makes you think that the person reading this is pedo? Not like we go around getting kids under our coats... and for f*cks sake, nothing has happened. A kiss. And you know what? So many adults kiss their childs on the lips. I think it's disgusting, but what can I say? Pedo?...
I hope you stop this. If Yuu whips out his dick, will this be considered as pedo. But not until. And if Tsubaki does? That is not called pedo (noone thinks about it this way, y'all say pedopedopedo but pedo is when the older hits on the younger. But not the same in reverse. And this is clearly in that way.) Nothing will happen no matter what do you say. Nothing.

See you contradict each fucking sentence fucking sentences at least those people are not confused. Make a valid point. You’re giving ourself out free to the wolves to eat. Literally even “supporters” of this manga spoke about how the “brotherly love” isn’t an excuse anymore. You CANNOT skip “love scenes” either sorry but that’s no excuse. It’s so pathetic to see your attempt on trying to rectify MY behaviour. Not only that you have some very immature beliefs to CONFINE PEDOPHILIA in one sentence; “when older hits on younger” that is THE WORST. Literally dug your own grave. I don’t think you can argue with me because you clearly have 0 idea what you’re speaking about. Why are you getting defensive if you are NOT a pedo ? And to connect shounen ai with shota oni is the most flabbergasting. How much low will you go? How much further?

This is betten than roaming the streets harrassing kids. I'm not into shota and incest but reading about it is different. Bc I'm not reading the stories bc of them.
In this, I like the artstyle, and it had potencial at first, now (like you) I'm waiting till Tsubaki grows up. But this doesn't mean I have to go in the comment section saying "Timeskip already" or "It's pedo eww"... I like the story (what was there for a little in the beginning, the concept seemed fine and cute) but it sure has became something else. But you know, demand and supply.

1. I never asked for a timeskip how baseless if you argue please do your research properly omg your like the worst encounter I’ve had how childish
2. It IS pedo and yes demand and supply why? Because of you people. Yes it is pedo even before and now.
You can’t even counter me properly just reply with the same old thing so sorry but you’re completely hopeless

To state, this is set to become shounen ai and not shota, so there has to be some changes... and I love yaoi, so I can't help myself (I did too much but it annoys me so many ppl say it's pedo when the term itself is a wrong one to this situation. But I could't find an exact one to be precise. Sadly.)

Oh my, how is that an oxymoron please explain? I bet you used that word without knowledge of it. Not only that, I AM on the higher moral ground because I know what is wrong and right, I’m NOT pretending? I AM still completely against this. Why are you screaming and crying and trying to prove your point in the most minute situations? I’m still stuck on my point. You people really are so very pathetic haha

Normal is the antonym of weird and an oxymoron is "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words" so...
You're not on any higher moral ground for throwing a fit over a manga, I can also tell what's wrong and right while acknowledging that real life doesn't equate to fiction.
Define "screaming and crying" lmao because I'm only responding to your replies on MY comment

Oh nooo I’m throwing a fit over a manga waaaaaa it’s such a big deal!!!
Girl accept it you weird and fucked in the head
Imagine wanting to defend a pedophilic manga till death
How embarrassing
I WILL reply if you answer? That’s why it’s a comment section?
And what is contradictory. Google seemed an easy way didnt it? Do you get what you copied from Google??
I am on the higher moral ground, but the fact that you know it’s wrong and continue to read it speaks volumes for itself
Get well

the story isn't perfect but i liked it, junseok's reaction to everything might seen dramatic but as someone with GAD i understand exactly how he's feeling and how his mind goes from 0 to 100 so fast.

Same, I have Hyper Awareness and Social Anxiety ontop of a few other things... his reactions may seem extreme, but when you have body dismorphia and imposter syndrome it can be really difficult to cope. It's not that you don't trust the other person, it's that you're constantly bombarded with worst case situations that convince you you're worthless.
So, of course he would protect that part of him no matter what. The author even went to great lengths to show how accepting others were of him, but he couldn't see it. The moment someone found out, his ideal world started crumbling. But it was the best thing for him, because he got the acceptance he needed.
i saw people on twt saying this was degenerate but turns out it's cute... fakejoshis can't handle a smell fetish damn!
Agreed I really like everything Nagabe has done and I would read this over r//pe yaoi or mother+daughter trope yuri ANYDAY The art is so good (I have no issue with most yaoi and yuri but there’s just so many toxic tropes in both)