Okay hold on it sure is weird to blantantly call him "Uncle" but hehe anyway
Istg i love his character. I agreed that he was like cute but also pretty and that my wits were blown in the steamy scenes. I liked how he just teaches his nephew about how normal it is to "suck it up" and do the things he didn't want to do because there will really be situations in the future that we can't handle and won't really just go the way we want it to be.
I know it's really the point of fiction wherein not much is practical and it'd be too tragic or too giddy in order to escape reality but it was nice to get something realistic straightforwardly said.
Anyway he really is pretty ;-; I already died from the beauty mark so ehehe <3

I binged so hard its so refreshing
At first it was just heartfelt and confusing when Lebony disappeared leaving Ianna to question her existence and when we were shown the mysterious relationship she had with Arhad
It showed how Iana acknowledged her sword as her life,and because of that we can understand Arhad's actions and reasons. He loved her in all of his lives and in every form. He wanted her, but he also knew the boundaries he triggered which caused him the fear of losing her again as soon as another chance arrived, which was a new life wherein Ianna is aware of what happened in the past.
Ughh seriously i love how this story was build up and I know how devastated i will if their misunderstandings was cleared up that easily. I have my preference,which is delayed gratitude. I really hope that they both overcome this, especially Arhad since he had deep regretets...
Btw Fynn and Harace are my must protect babies because theyre cutiesss!!

Oh right, I also love love the mysthical elements and details they portrayed, the poetry/scripture/religion interpretation class they conducted was hella meaningful and interesting since it gave us clues on more of the history needed to understand the truth behind Ianna.
I didn't think the story would actively involve history and elemental beings to help develop the characters but they sure did, which made me super interested.
Im so glad i stumbled upon this story hehe <3
The boss in his mind: and I took that personally