Does anyone have recommendations for other 18+ manga/manhwa like this??? Finding good het smut which isn’t solely for male-gaze is so difficult and as much as I love BL I really enjoy these stories too!

Look through this list haha

Jooin and Yahwi deserve each other. I’m happy if they’re endgame. They can do their toxic thing and make up and whatever and I’ll be happy for them. The author might whip out some dark story for Cain later to justify why Yahwi was truly the better option after all, but in my heart he’s a pure puppy. His love for Jooin is not natural, if he’s a reincarnated dog that’s some messed up loyalty he’s feeling. He should instead end up with someone who’s truly able to love him for him, and not cause of trauma inflicted by someone else. Someone who can make him realise what TRUE love is. He deserves it.

Also I really hated Jooin for a long time. I think I saw some growth in him getting real with Yahwi though, and actually trying to communicate why his behaviour is toxic and inappropriate. I hope this character development continues for all. This story has been such a frustrating rollercoaster and I’ll hate it if we’re gonna go for a loop yet AGAIN.
(Either ways as long as Cain has a happy ending with whoever is most suited for him I’m happy )

I have to agree with you.
At first, I was hoping for Jooin and Cain to end up together because it would condemn any form of abuse. But then, while reading (in the comment section) where the author is taking the story, I feel like those two knuckleheads deserve each other.
And I just wish Cain wouldn't be tarnished. Even though, just as you said, the author might write him as the worst human being who has ever crossed Jooin's path, later on, to justify why Jooin needs to be with Yahwi.

This just goes to show how amazing a story can be even when it’s “just” wholesome and not filled with drama and angst. Made my heart beat and left me feeling genuinely good. The chemistry between the characters and the way they were portrayed really just sucks you in. You can feel the love, the insecurities and the honesty. Really well written and drawn. I really need more stories like these!
His name is Canis Lupus? I’m so done, what a joke