well the duke is being brainwashed bcs michael have the power of brainwashing ppl.
he's one of three ppl that dark have dark attributes.
apparently these 3 ppl that have dark attributes is reincarnation of gods beloved children that has comitted sins. the god cursed them to reincarnate but everytime they
remembered back their past they will ended up
comitting the same sins.
the first child (michael the priest) commit the sins by killing his lover
the second child (ayesha aka mc) commit the sins by killing her son
the third child (the author of the novel) commit the sins by killing his parents
also michael's lover that he killed is actually ayesha in the past life. bcs of that every single reincarnation of the first child he will only ended up falling in love with ayesha
if you want to read more detail pls read this

just a minor spoiler towards the end there ia kinda heavy angst by seeing the spoiler well dont worry its not about third person.

so basically towards the end theo already knew that he kinda reincarnated but he doesnt remember the previous life and also he knew that the mc loves his past self. so theo already confessed to mc but mc cant confirm her feeling cz she thinks she loves him bcs of she thinks theo as his past self. that kinda cause a rift between them until theo proposed a divorce. mc tried to talk to him but theo ignore and avoid her.
about the curse mc past self unknowingly put the curse on the duke family which actually descendant of the original royal family (before mc took the throne). apparently why mc can turned theo back to human bcs she is the witch descendant ( i forgot the clan name).
back to the story. so the preparing for the divorce the theo found a woman from the witch descendant and brought her in to kiss him everytime he turned to wolf form. the woman thought that the duke wants a mistress so she tried to serve the theo but theo quickly said that dont cross the line. (btw they we're preparing divorce secretly outside they act like they're happy couple). the woman literally tired seeing the couple that literally love each other having their argument went to see the mc and kinda make mc realise she really in love with theo. she leaves the house after that lol. of course after that mc confessed to theo and they kissed.
there is also about why the theo past life aka the king betrayed mc in past life is related to the curse and he was actually protecting her bcs she love her. he cant make her the empress bcs she cant get pregnant. and that's it. sorry for the mistake.
sadly there is no rated scene they just making out or helping each other out ifykyk not sure if there will be side story or not.
are there lightsticks or is it just not shown at all?
not shown at all