Kei_S October 7, 2015 6:52 am

Well, I know that both Touji and Homura were at fault, but I honestly felt more disappointed with Homura because he didn't face his feelings until the very end. He was a coward and selfish guy who didn't even hear Touji's side. It wasn't even that long when he reassured himself how Touji was truly serious about him, yet with that shocking news, he just forgot everything and wallowed in self-pity as if he was the only one having a hard time and hurting. (I guess the shock was too much for him to think of anything else?)

Of course, it was Touji's fault that he didn't tell Homura about his plan sooner. Heck, it's not as if Homura can read his mind or something, so he shouldn't have assumed that Homura would understand his plan without explaining beforehand. After all, didn't he already know how Homura was very cautious and afraid of others finding out about them?

I guess it's also Homura's actions that led Touji to speed up things for them. Because Homura was so cautious of watchful eyes, Touji patiently waited for him to come to terms to his feelings. But because Touji was threatened of Kyouya's existence (he even stole him from Homura's club to separate them yet they still met up afterwards), and perhaps he felt that Homura still couldn't sacrifice anything for their relationship, he took the matter in his own hands. Maybe it's also because Homura seemed very passive; as if he was contented with the way things were. But I think his so-called selflessness (letting go when it's time to do so) was merely for his self-satisfaction. He was actually aware of how Touji felt for him, yet he always assumed that Touji would leave him to marry another since he's the head of their organization and it's what he's supposed to do. He didn't even consider if Touji would really take that route, but he convinced himself that it would be, so he could protect himself when that time comes.

I also disliked how Touji just brushed off Homura's actions with Kyouya (Hey, at least punish him by getting him excited then leaving him hanging, hmmn). Well, I guess his love for Homura was so much greater than that, and Touji could've been blaming himself all along, so he just took it as the consquence for his mistake. He might've thought that if he only informed Homura of his plan, then he wouldn't even give in to Kyouya (although Touji felt like Homura was beginning to care for Kyouya more than he should've)... I guess "Queen" Homura just have that effect to him; making him submit and devoted to him no matter what. It was cute how Touji actually listened to Homura's whims instead of the other way around (well, you know, in yaoiland, it's often the possessive seme who gets the upperhand)...

Hmm, I just wished Homura felt more remorseful towards Touji and Kyouya. Or maybe that's how adults deal with stuff like that? Oh well, it was a good read nonetheless. I hoped there were more chapters to show their lovey dovey relationship after that turmoil though.

Kei_S October 5, 2015 1:10 pm

I'm very interested in how things will go from here.

Honestly, I was surprised that Teru-kun, the childhood friend, was suddenly dismissed as the love rival. I thought he'd be in for the main love triangle, but I guess not, `coz we have her future fiance, Kento-kun, for now.

I wonder what the contract that Hino and the grandpa were talking about... Could it actually be related to Tsumire or just with Hino's family?

Anyway, I personally like Hino's appearance because I have a megane-kun moeee~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

On another note, is it just me, or is Tsumire slowly becoming the typical Shoujo manga heroine who blushes all throughout the manga because she's filled with thoughts of her love interest? Maybe I just expected too much, but I thought she was going to be stronger than that. I mean, in the beginning, she was pretty calm and composed, but as soon as she interacted more with Hino, she started to act differently. Hmm. Well, she's still strong as she deals with her obstacles head-on, but aren't most heroines like that? Anyway, I kind of understand what she wanted from Hino, especially because he's the first person she was able to really rely on after her mother died; I guess being somewhat straightforward with her desires than keeping it in to appear "nice and mature" is better. I hope she grows stronger with her own decisiveness and resolve than just go with the flow, because I think she has the potential to be a good heroine.

So yeah, I look forward to the new chapters~

Kei_S September 27, 2015 5:56 pm

The second story was so adorable! The mood's light and fluffy compared to the angst-y first story. I think the first story should've elaborated what happened since the first time Reo was drugged. I mean, even if he were the one to beg for it that time, I wanted to know why did the uncle continue it despite Reo resisting (though he might've sensed that he actually liked it too and just couldn't say it honestly)?

Anyway, Riku x Senpai pair was sweet and hilarious. I wish their story was longer! Such a devoted seme is hard to find after all.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Kei_S September 26, 2015 12:33 pm

I liked how responsible Eiji was, and how understanding Kanae was.

Even when Eiji first found out that Kanae was in HS not in college, he didn't make a big deal out of it and fight her. I liked how Kanae reacted with Eiji's actions. She may be spoiled, but she knew what she wanted and she did her best to achieve it. It also helps that Eiji was kind and sweet to her, and their interactions were natural. He didn't force her to do things for his pleasure/benefit. Sure, we may dislike how he thought ending their relationship would do no good, but if we think about it calmly, it makes sense. He could've taken Kanae with him when she said she'd do anything as long as they stay together, but Eiji was mature enough to hold back because he knew that it's a big gamble for her. Her efforts to change herself and make friends have just begun to show results after all, so Eiji didn't want to ruin it. He thought that they may be happy if they stay together despite the opposition, but he knew that there would come a time when Kanae might get lonely or be troubled with their decision. I also praise Kanae for not being annoying after hearing that, and she really reflected on it. She was mature enough to consider Eiji's situation, but still hoped they could be together. It's also good that the manga's pretty innocent. I mean, I like smutty scenes, but seeing how natural the couple here is, I didn't mind the sweet, innocent kisses. I actually appreciated them more, and admired Eiji because he respected and waited for Kanae.

I wish we could've seen more of Misato's story though, especially because her existence was a big part of Kanae's situation (the break up and isolation/badmouthing).

Although megane-kun's role helped a lot, I wish we could've seen if he were actually serious about her, or he's simply curious. I mean, I was pretty amused when out of nowhere, he showed interest in her. I liked their banter, I wish they could've at least remained friends. Hehe.

And the ex... Well, I would've love to know what really happened.

Overall, I really liked this manga! I would definitely re-read this when I want a sweet and light sensei-student romance.

ps. I loved that there wasn't an annoying female rival (ex/first love/fiancee/clingy admirer/sex friend/childhood friend/stalker) that interfered, and their feelings didn't sway.

Good job, mangaka! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Kei_S September 26, 2015 5:48 am

Main story: It was great! I liked how they didn't push their relationship over the top, and decided to wait until graduation before they really pursue each other romantically. At least, they've affirmed each other's feelings for now. The heroine was a crybaby, but I liked her character because it's realistic in some ways.. A lot of people pretend to be someone they're not so they won't be ostracized, but deep inside, they feel tired of trying to fit in and they become slightly paranoid when they think somebody would go against them. They'd want someone to see through their facade and accept them for who they truly are, so that they can finally act like their true selves in front of others.. Anyway, I would've loved to see it a bit longer, so we can also see how Jun feels for Shun. I mean, so far, I can see that he likes her, but it's mostly because he sees his younger (who was in the same situation) self in her.. I'd like to see them interact more and deepen their relationship slowly..

Second story: Well, here comes the hero bullying the girl he likes. I understand that a lot of boys do this, especially when they're younger, but I didn't really like how the hero acted in this story. He didn't even seem remorseful, and he embarrassed her again in front of others by showing off her love letter. Well, he somehow redeemed himself when he watched over her to protect her. Also, I liked that he finally became honest of his own feelings, and announced it in class. At least, the same audience who gossiped about her being in an unrequited love with him and even writing him a love letter, realized that it's actually mutual. They now share the embarrassment. XD So yeah, he may have been a bully, but I don't really hate him. I just wish he would be more apologetic or considerate in reading the mood/situation before acting impulsively..

Last story: Oh, this is that case when, in childhood, the girl protects the weak guy and thinks he won't be able to do anything without her help, only to realize that he's grown up and become more mature than her. Most heroes in this setting choose to flirt with girls to spite the childhood friend and make her see him as a guy instead of just a childhood friend/brother. Well, I can understand that he had fun with other girls because he can't really force the childhood friend to love him the way he wants her to. I can see that he cherished her and treated her special, but of course, things like kissing weren't included, so naturally, when the childhood friend saw him touch other girls, she became conscious. Anyway, I didn't like how he justified his flirting by implying he only did that because he can't have her yet... I mean, if it were me, I might feel insecure, thinking, "What if I don't meet his expectations? Would he simply run off to other girls? What is he says physical pleasure is separate from love so I shouldn't mind him flirting because I'm the only one he truly loves anyway?" Okay, I know I'm kind of exaggerating the situation, but I wish he were more remorseful.. I especially got irritated when he finally refused the other girl and asked her to stop asking for dates in exchange for not bullying the childhood friend. The way he said he'd protect her from everything now, made it seem like he was only willing to really protect her if their feelings became mutual. So, what, as long as he's only in an unrequited love, it's better to leave her alone (he still protected her from being bullied after all, even if the price is to date another girl)? I mean, he could've stayed by her side all the more to prove how strong his love for her was. Guys who leave girls alone to prevent others from bullying them isn't ideal at all. They should at least ask the girl if they can deal with it together, before putting some distance/space.

Anyway, it just pissed me off a bit because they made it seem like even if the boys liked the girls first, they wouldn't really show/say it unless they confirm the girls' feelings.. It's very different from most heroines, who almost always chase the guys they like openly and persistently. Maybe I just want a change, somehow? I had hopes for likable, kind, and gentle guys because the first story had a light and fluffy romance.. I actually grew up in an environment where it's more common for guys to chase and girls be chased (you know, courting/wooing for months/years before actually dating), but in most mangas, it's the other way around. Even if there are guys who chase girls, most of the time, they don't end up with the girls because they chase another guy.

Overall, I only liked the first guy, Jun. (Is it obvious? I mean, I quickly forgotten the other guys' names except for his. LOL) He's not perfect, but the way he dealt with the situations they faced so far made my heart go doki doki. Yeah, it's rare to find a nice guy lead in a shoujo manga so all the more reason to blush over cute Jun sensei.

⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Kei_S September 25, 2015 1:33 pm

It has a good potential.. I wish it were made longer, showing us that their relationship started that early, but would stand the test of time... I liked the hero because he's the scary-looking-but-in-reality-pure type of shoujo hero, whom I adore.


I mean, honestly, I would've enjoyed it better if we see them interact more.. And I wanted to see how Kowloon struggles about his feelings for her, because let's face it, it's not that easy to accept something we're not used to (but here, he came to terms easily because it's made into a oneshot). It would be good if they get along as friends first (but without rival interference pleaaaase!) while getting to know each other more..

But anyway, it's a oneshot so I can just say it's cuuuute!

Kei_S September 23, 2015 5:28 pm

THE GUYS ARE EYE CANDY, but their characters aren't particularly likable.. Don't even get me started with the heroine.. But anyway, it's not like I didn't enjoy the manga. I got frustrated a lot because of how the characters acted, but there were still some scenes that made my heart doki doki.

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Kei_S September 22, 2015 11:02 am

Almost everyone keeps saying "Poor sensei," but let's not just think that separating from Akira would actually be better for him anyway. Because he was actually in love with Akira's violin/music and not Akira herself, there's no telling how much longer he could keep on depending on her. I just wish we could see a continuation of his story, where he overcomes his tragic past and meets a woman whom he'd truly value and vice versa.

Regarding Akira falling for Seike, I agree that it's a bit too fast, especially because for years, she only had eyes for Sensei. Perhaps it's because this time around, she felt that she was really treated for who she was, not just for what she could do, so she fell for him fast enough.

I'm glad that towards the end, she actually acknowledged that she still loved Sensei though, because normally, people would just regard their past love as "that wasn't love after all" just because they "never felt like this before" towards their new partner. (Come on, there are different kinds of love, and I believe that we won't really experience the same kind of love twice, so of course, a new love would feel different, but that doesn't mean that what you felt before wasn't love.) She still loved Sensei, but of course, she's not in love with him anymore. There's a difference, so I'm just glad that she didn't deny it, because it would've been more unrealistic to simply forget a long-time love for a new found love. (Okay, this paragraph's weirdly bombarded with the word love.)

ps. I think Sensei's so hot though. And well, I liked their H scenes. XD

Kei_S September 20, 2015 7:36 pm

Hmm, I liked the art!

The characters were so mature, unlike the typical yaoi stereotypes. I liked how, despite the uke falling for the seme early on, he remained strong-willed and determined. He didn't let his feelings hinder his main objective, which was to do this job to support his love for racing.

Personally, I'd say I was disappointed with how the seme treated the uke. It was somehow hinted that he has taken a slight interest in him in the beginning, so I guess, most of us were expecting that he'd at least train the uke himself. However, now that I think about it, that thought may have been brought about by reading a lot of stories where the seme claims ownership of his uke as soon as he laid his eyes on him or something. But, if he truly felt that way towards the uke at that time, he wouldn't have ordered the uke like that. That's what makes this manga different, I guess? The seme didn't think that his (slight) interest towards the uke was enough to favor him, so he let the uke experience the cruelty and reality of that world. We could tell by his gazes that he's slowly getting more interested in him, but he didn't act on his feelings soon because he wanted to observe him more. The seme was a proud man who didn't act on feelings alone.

When the seme's employee informed him about the uke's condition after the S&M incident, he clenched his fist probably because he was concerned about the uke's health in general, but it's more likely that he's afraid that the uke won't come back anymore, especially if that incident affected his racing career negatively (because the seme was aware that the uke's main purpose for remaining in the club was for his racing). The way they reunited wasn't cheesy or fluffy, but you can see in their exchange of gazes that they somehow communicate effectively.

Towards the end, we were shown that after their first night together, he didn't allow the uke to give sexual services anymore because they have already acknowledged whatever it is between them.

Anyway, I know that most of us were truly disappointed with how their relationship started, but for me, what was truly disappointing was the abrupt ending. I mean, we suffered enough to see how the seme didn't seem to care for the uke, and when he finally acknowledged his feelings, we were left hanging just like that. I wanted to know more about how their relationship continued after that, so we can see more character development... I'd say this is pretty realistic though. Unlike other stories where the seme would give up everything for an uke (which, sometimes, he barely knew) but was super attracted to, the seme here seemed wiser because he considered various things before making decisions.

But yeah, I'm still conflicted. I understand what the manga portrays and have somehow widened my view, but maybe I'm just a sucker for sweet and romantic love stories with flowery praises and promises, so I expected to see more. Overall, I liked it, but if I can help it, I would never want to experience what the uke's gone through. (Well, at least he wasn't someone who only pursued love --- he didn't lose sight of his passion for racing, and he's still very manly and attractive despite being taken.)


Kei_S September 19, 2015 7:44 am

I guess it's a lot of pervy girls' (well, that includes me I guess) fantasy to have threesome and not worry about jealousy or choosing which one she likes better, especially because they contrast in personality.

I wish we were shown more about how they connected though? Their relationship feels natural and they're not bothered by it, so I am not either. I'm just wondering if she's the only girl they ever shared, and why was she the one they chose? I mean, it could be implied that it was simply love at first sight, but because that aspect wasn't shown well, I guess their relationship is practically based on physical pleasure and dependence (I'm not convinced it's "love" that she feels for them yet, especially considering loving them both at the same time.).

It's good that the twins didn't fight over her, especially when the gentle one got ahead of the rougher twin. I guess they're really just open about it, and have long accepted it. I'm just really interested with the twins' backstory and how they came to those terms.

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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