I hope someone updates this soon. Season2l 2 is out now.
Where's the dragon I was really hoping to see it. It's so cute.
I wish someone would update this the official translation has 106 chapters. I am missing this.
I can't wait for the official English translation of this to come out. I wish it was out already.
I wish it had smut but it was cut out that's so not fair.
I was SO ready lol
I hope someone updates this soon I really miss this.
Can't wait for the English translation of season 2 to come out. It's taking a long time.
I so can't wait for season 2 to come out.
I hope this gets updated soon.
Hopefully we'll get 2 chapters this week
I hope this is still being picked up. I really enjoy this.
I hope someone updates this soon. Season2l 2 is out now.