hmmmmm created a topic of Predator Marriage

Not sure if I want to be Leah or be with her…drooling over those two

hmmmmm created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

IM CRASHING OUT (I could see him pulling off something cheeky but not a proposal. If he takes it back next chapter under the guise of throwing off the crimson blood I’m done…just don’t)

hmmmmm created a topic of Driver's High


hmmmmm created a topic of Snake Bite

This started with so much potential but everyone turned out to be trash

hmmmmm created a topic of Jinx

Once a monkey, always a monkey.

hmmmmm created a topic of Kimi no Koe

*Plays “would you fall in love with me again” from Epic on repeat*… See you guys in another month!

hmmmmm created a topic of Jinx

This keeps getting worse…I love it!

hmmmmm created a topic of Kono Oto Tomare!

They are being hyped them too much so I’m thinking they won’t win and then Chika will cry, everyone will cry and I don’t think I can handle that…like that would be the end of me. PLEASE DONT MAKE ME GO THROUGH THAT I CANT TAKE IT!!!

hmmmmm created a topic of Pearl Boy

I had to take a walk….I can’t do this anymore man

hmmmmm created a topic of High Clear

The chemistry between them is through the roof. They are literally so soft and cute and adorablE. I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE UGHHHHH

hmmmmm created a topic of Kono Oto Tomare!

I saw baby Chika and I started crying. Actually ugly sobbing. I can’t do this man….

hmmmmm created a topic of Full volume

When I tell you my flabber was gasted