IM CRASHING OUT (I could see him pulling off something cheeky but not a proposal. If he takes it back next chapter under the guise of throwing off the crimson blood I’m done…just don’t)
OH GOD— I wasn’t expecting to see THIS here. Fuck me. Ig I need to pull it from the want to reads and actually wail on my heart WAIIITTINNGGG!! WAIIITTINNGGG!!!!! (It’s been in my library for at least three years;-;
They are being hyped them too much so I’m thinking they won’t win and then Chika will cry, everyone will cry and I don’t think I can handle that…like that would be the end of me. PLEASE DONT MAKE ME GO THROUGH THAT I CANT TAKE IT!!!
Not sure if I want to be Leah or be with her…drooling over those two