Like some people said it here before I also think he's not 100% human especially because on his neck and ankles there are scars that could be because of experiments or maybe an accident idk, plus the way he doesn't want anything that makes him tipsy because he needs a clear head idk Idkk but I'm super interested on this story! Also it's interesting that he was worried about the rock because isn't Sisyphus that king that was cursed (?) to roll a rock or something like that for eternity? I'm not good with Greek mythology but i think its something like this haha anyways THIS STORY IS SO COOL AND WE ONLY HAVE 5 CHAPTERS JGLDBHI

i think i would understand Anita more if we got to see her beating up the king or even better if regina was that king's daughter and she joined forces with anita?? but now she's just stupid because she's trying to punish people who did nothing to her?? i understand her backstory but lmao
anyways regina and aaron >>>>>>>>>> everything and everyone

guys im sorry i just now realised that this series is a sequel to another one and its about the baby of the first series couple jzhfaishi i was so confused why y'all were calling byul your nephew and why y'all were not happy with the grandma LMAOOOO do you guys think i should read the first one and then read this one or read both at the same time? since this one is ongoing and the first one is already over??

the empress is pure evil and there is not single piece of good on her wretched body but also she's so fucking dumb because she could easily manipulate little richard who has been following her son around like a lovesick puppy since they were kids and get him on her side promising him etienne taking him from the emperor's protection hope she dies a painful death hope she trips on a lego then chokes on acid
what the fuck dog i just need xin and lau to be happy I JUST NEED THEM TO BE HAPPY