Fluff bàll's experience ( All 0 )

Fluff bàll's answer ( All 16 )

Idk i think its cute   reply
14 12,2023
I look ugly so i tried to create something beautiful yet it still came out ugly   reply
14 12,2023
Fluff bàll
18 01,2021
i Would crush that bastard's nuts right there...i'm ok with bi sexuals...i'm ok with gays and whole lgbtq+ but i'm NOT OK WITH CHEATERS no matter with whom they cheat ....   reply
18 01,2021
about vent
nighmare ... i saw that my friends don't need me anymore and that shit really happened ... best dream:....tbh i have good dreams many times ...but every single of them was just a dream... never happened ..but my worst nightmare just became reality ... now who got a depression and lost friends cuz they can't handle me being full of energy for a da......   reply
18 01,2021

Fluff bàll's question ( All 3 )

What they show in mangas...and what it actually look like
28 11,2020
Have u ever just looked at your girl/man and was like: "Dang she/he is so cute. I really want to hug her/him or kiss them.." Because it happens to me everytime when i look at my girl she really looks cute and i can't take my eyes off her she got tan skin and i'm pale bitch so she thinks her skin color isn't cute and whenever i see her getting ready for a party i would be like" babe how? How can u be this hot?" And i barely control myself I really like her i think i'm obsessed
16 11,2020
What if a certain someone starts to feel about u more than a frnd? There is this girl I helped her moving on from her toxic ex cuz she really treated her badly. And i was really nice to her thinking that she is emotionally weak but she got attached way too much and confessed i already have my partner...so i kinda feel awkward around her i don't want to end this frndship (and its mutual )cuz she really got only me . but sometimes i really don't understand how to act around her
I feel bad for her because she fall for wrong person and then her second love was also at wrong person. But i can't help her i tried to say that what she is feeling isn't love but she is persistent .. am i doing right?
16 11,2020

People are doing

did y'all just feel sad when

me rn me all the time

56 minutes
did social media

off and on

57 minutes
did song lyrics stuck in head

I bought diamonds at my dentist. I've been playing like tennis. Grand Slam like tennis.You're the one I'm tryna finish. Ice on my teeth

3 hours