sammy's feed

sammy created a topic of Remarried Empress

she is a very bad judge of character and overestimates her own worth because she has no education on political affairs and she doesn't understand or know what it means to be a member of nobility and royalty. she behaves like a child always talking in third person thinking its cute, it was alright when she was just a mistress but as an empress that is a blatant show if incompetence. she spends all her time hating the wrong people and getting in trouble instead of working on where she lacks.

She has had shitty luck with people but its like she learns nothing from every bad experience she goes through, i get that she has had a hard live but she had truly gone too far as i have said she is like a child thinking the good people are always the ones to listen to what she says and give her whatever she wants and it is very sad because she had no one to trust or turn to.
I sympathise with her a lot, she is just an ignorant poor child thrown into a very cruel environment where no one actually cared for her in the slightest, the emperor brought her there with sweet promises but his love has always been questionable seeing as he never taught her or cautioned her behaviour, it was clear to everyone but her that she was merely an incubator for an heir. The duke, her dad, the emperor, all don't really care for her as a person and her behaviour speaks volumes about how much she has been let down as she clings to anyone who says nice things about her. She is an unfortunate character but her choices and actions are irredeemable, she must take accountability for her them and leave the palace all together.