LoveyDovey created a topic of The Titan's bride

They love them and can't wait for them to hatch asap I'd like to pick up the pace lol

LoveyDovey created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Homophobic men can have this type of bliss if they loosened their balls

LoveyDovey created a topic of Under the Green Light

Keep slamming that POS

LoveyDovey created a topic of Pearl Boy


LoveyDovey created a topic of Our Sunny Days

That I could read this paring in another format like GL or hetero I'll eat that shit up the dynamics are chefs kiss

LoveyDovey created a topic of Slammer Dogs

If he was bit smarter he could put the brothers against each other to get out this situation

LoveyDovey created a topic of The Beast Within

But I have to say she a bad bitch rn she's bringing it to lowest

LoveyDovey created a topic of Perfect Leash

You see how he's gonna use her? poor girl don't deserve that

LoveyDovey created a topic of The Beast Within

I applaud the character development for her

LoveyDovey created a topic of Scent Spark

I love how they communicated instead of the whole misunderstandings arc would happen

LoveyDovey created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I think the baby is gonna be named after the semes mom

LoveyDovey created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

Lead paint stare
Next scene the uke will be knocked out probably

LoveyDovey created a topic of Illusion Blessing

But since he's something as well does this have mpreg I can't remember????

LoveyDovey created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

If he didn't say shit from your outburst of your feelings I'd walk out or throw something like his actions of being indifferent pisses me offffffff

LoveyDovey created a topic of Be My Boomer
LoveyDovey created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Crime the uke wouldn't keep this quiet and would tell him. This is just adding on drama to this ending manhwa and will repeat the same stuff... and they're more open with each other smh

LoveyDovey created a topic of Love Gym

Gives predatory behavior