I remember seeing comments saying ms.
Choi was jealous/should mind her business. But i felt like in her perspective she saw a higher up with his personal secretary someone who is just trying to do their job and it seemed like this could have been abuse through higher ups and she was not here for it. I respect her for telling him what she thinks.
Yeah, but what was even worse is Director Park's crude parading of their illicit relationship by exhibiting the half-naked and sleeping Suha in front of her like some sexual trophy... Like it was a perfectly acceptable exhibition instead of the blatant act of disrespect against both her and Suha that it really was.
And really... commenters saying she was "nosy" after that.
I wonder if they'd say the same about the one guy friend that would actually try to stop an ex-boyfriend from spreading their "revenge porn" private pictures around.
These bitches are bonkers...