The age gap is insane

Yes but it's WEIRD that y'all read this and don't find it WEIRD. Can you imagine u being at most 12 and ur 16/18 y/o neighbor reciprocating ur childish crush. It's not like im saying y'all are criminals but to normalise this story is insane ESPECIALLY when there are some mentions of sexual shit e.g. the kid brushing up on his dick...

Yes. Yes, i can imagine that, easily and guilt-free I realise that would not be reality. I don't bc these things are only interesting for me when with fictional 2D characters, not real humans, but as long as it stays only in my imagination, it's fine.
Fiction CANNOT turn someone into a monster if they weren't one already.
No one who enjoys this manga is normalizing what happens in the story (supporting a romance between a 17yo and a 10yo). We are merely reading manga. You guys are the ones marching in defense of fictional non-existent characters when there's nobody getting hurt... there's no actual kid brushing up on anyone's dick, there's only a story of an underage couple of boys where THAT happens, so who cares, right?

sure you could say that it’s fictional so its guilt free but using that the devolving argument as to what "counts" as a child is so tired. i think that ideology is extremely dangerous in a society where the sexual use and abuse of women and children is so common.
even if no one is getting hurt directly, when there are these forms of “harmless” sexualization of children we gradually corrode the norms that define children as off-limits to sexual use. you keep using this excuse of it being just a story but have you questioned why you are consuming and enjoying it? even if you’re not normalizing it, the intention for these types of fictitious media is the same and everything about lolicon/shotacon is designed for the characters to look and behave like children, so let’s put on our thinking caps for a bit. are you going to say the same for AI-generated CP? child sex dolls? they're not "real people".
not everyone acts on their thoughts but not everyone has those thoughts to begin with. you’re saying as long as it stays in your imagination its fine sure but would you give drugs to a recovering addict? just food for thought ur free to do what you want but just call a spade a spade and stop trying to rationalize and sugar coat reading this shit lol

Why does everyone hate on Minwoo so much. I love him T-T. Isn't he the only one who's looking out for MC and it is not the greatest that he acts a bit controlling but that's gonna happen when he knows mc's past and probably feels at fault for it. Did I miss out on a chapter or am forgetting information that makes him so unlikable to everyone???

You can't justify being controlling with past trauma. He needs therapy not a relationship.
Basically someone deciding for you who you can meet and where you can go (even in his own house MC had to tell him which room he was going last chapter) is a gigantic red flag. A lot of abusive relationship start like that, "don't see that person, don't do that, don't go there without my permission" and of course the typical excuse of "I do that because I love you" which is a lie, they do it because they're insecure.
He also treat MC like a child incapable of making his own choices and infantilization is very harmful psychologically to the victims of it. Whatever his intentions may be he is being toxic.
Anyway his behavior is triggering all kinds of alarms in my brain, that's why I hate him and I'm guessing other feel the same probably ?

"He also treat MC like a child incapable of making his own choices and infantilization is very harmful psychologically to the victims of it. Whatever his intentions may be he is being toxic."
Do you feel the same way about Seojoon too? You know the guy who lied to Joohyun about the medication he was giving him being a "cold pill" when it was really emergency contraception. Did Seojoon treat Joohyun like an adult capable of making an informed choice about the potential pregnancy or did he make the choice for Joohyun?
Minwoo is rightfully being called out for being controlling but Seojoon is just as controlling in a lot of ways.

I guess so, but the ML (not Minwoo) is also bad in the way that he takes advantage of the MC, legit the first chapter he had sex with an overly drunk MC. IMO he's as pushy as Minwoo but just because his personality is jokier and not super srs, ppl don't see it the same way. Plus he's only having sex with MC out of spite and over time underlying romantic feelings.
Minwoo seems pushy but he doesn't force the MC to do anything (so far to my understanding). Like he says not to hang out with ML, because he knows the ML is an asshole. Even in this chapter he came clean to the MC and told him he kno s he's being selfish when he asks for all this, which i think is nice. I don't think also he sees ML as a baby being incapable of everything, but more so he's too worried, which also isn't great but it's different to infantalization. (But I could be wrong on this as it's just a diff in opinion here).
Also in other webtoons where the ML is a childhood best friend and possesive ppl eat it up but just because Minwoo is not the main ML, i feel like its unfair to have so much dislike towards him T-T. The double standard I don't like esp when ML takes off the condom unknowingly in the middle of sex and doesn't tell the MC. Which is the real world has sever consequences and u can go to prison for.
Like if we're gonna hold one character to super serious standards, that should also go for the other one. I feel like ppl forgive the ML for the same things that Minwoo would do because he's obvs endgame.

I'm not sure if you've seen all the comments hating of ML but there is no one saying the ML is better. People are just bringing more perspective to minwoos character because they are starting to piece everything together.
People also did call out on ML removing the condom and lying to MC about the pill. No one is saying that the ML is a green flag.
I for one am loving that people are starting to stop calling Minwoo a green flag and are holding him up to these standards because they did not do so before. Only ML was being commented on and called a red flag, so I'm very pleased about seeing a difference in the treatment and people acknowledging that Minwoos behaviors are not good.
Just because Minwoo might not directly force the MC he is putting a strain on him mentally and even the MC is being vocal about it.

The ML is problematic in his own way I agree with you on that.
Minwoo on the other hand, treat him like a child like for example : he make sure to take him home because he can't keep himself safe, he tell him he can't drink because he decide what MC can or can't handle, MC can't be friend with ML because he doesn't like him and MC can't decide on his own who to be friend with, he check with his older sister constantly to know about anything MC doesn't tells him like a parent would question a babysitter.
And when MC decide to do his own things and experience his sexuality, Minwoo decide to stick to him like glue to make sure he can't go anywhere and meet anyone he disapprove of. Actively undermining his independence.
Minwoo also does it consciously and justify it by "keeping him from the wrong path".
To me him saying he is being selfish is just the continuation of all that. He pull MC away from the group to buy him stuff he could have bought beforehand, he tells him he love and cares about him while physically restraining him with a hug and then ask for forgiveness for being selfish, that's guilt tripping : "I do it out of love and concern so accept me taking away your freedom"
Their relationship was doomed from chapter 1 when MC had to lie to be independent and go at something as simple as a drinking party with the other freshmen.
Being the ML mean receiving MC's love. The difference between a childhood friend ML and Minwoo is reciprocity of their feelings. MC doesn't like Minwoo that way.
When ML are clearly human trash, the perspective of the whole situation change since we have access to their thoughts and they sincerely love each other. In real life it wouldn't work because we know those actions aren't actually the result of love.
That's what happened to Minwoo, the lack of the ML status hold him to normal standard, while ML has the default card "sincerely, madly in love, would die for his lover." in hands.
That's all there is to it. And people where calling out ML too, it's just that the latest chapters are about Minwoo's behavior so we're all complaining about him rn.

“The ML is problematic in his own way I agree with you on that.”
He sexually assaulted Joohyun twice, once when Joohyun was drunk and again when he removed his condom without informing Joohyun. Both of those acts are crimes, so I think calling the behaviour “problematic” is a bit dismissive when a more appropriate term is “criminal”.
“Minwoo on the other hand, treat him like a child like ...
And when MC decide to do his own things and experience his sexuality, Minwoo decide to stick to him like glue to make sure he can't go anywhere and meet anyone he disapprove of. Actively undermining his independence.”
I agree, Minwoo is being controlling which is from a misguided sense of having to protect Joohyun due to what happened in his childhood but that doesn’t make it okay and he should stop because Joohyun is an adult. I think Minwoo’s concern is that Joohyun will fall prey to another predatory alpha like he did in his childhood and unfortunately it appears as though Joohyun has.
The thing is, Joohyun didn’t decide to “experience his sexuality” so much as he was forced into situations against his will. In chapter 1, Joohyun makes it clear he is a virgin who wants to have his first experience with someone he loves, Seojoon completely disregards this telling him that’s not important. Joohyun planned to avoid Seojoon after that but it was Seojoon who pestered him and started making him uncomfortable with how physical he was being in public only agreeing to let go of Joohyun if Joohyun agreed to a fuck buddy relationship. That’s coercion. Seojoon does the same again in chapter 12, being physical in public with Joohyun until Joohyun relents and agrees to meet up with him again.
Seojoon preys on Joohyun’s naivety throughout the story. Seojoon makes sure to get Joohyun tipsy again before sex in chapter 14 and grips him so hard it hurts Joohyun. Seojoon knows that Joohyun is sexually inexperienced and exploits this to fulfill his own BDSM preferences making Joohyun call him master in chapter 15. There was no discussion between the two prior and in chapter 15 Joohyun tells Seojoon “I don’t like pain” only for Seojoon to spank in chapter 16 telling him he enjoys pain.
Joohyun has no agency in his relationship with Seojoon, in chapter 10 Joohyun asks why Seojoon want’s to have a fuck buddy relationship with him specifically only for Seojoon to get angry with Joohyun because of his own past relationship trauma, pulling his hair and telling him that he “really hates naïve people who talk about love”. In chapter 14, Joohyun thinks to himself “I just wanted a normal relationship not something like this. I find myself getting dragged by him without realizing it”. This isn’t Joohyun being empowered and making his own choices about his sexuality it’s him being a bystander to Seojoon’s sexual whims.
“He pull MC away from the group to buy him stuff he could have bought beforehand, he tells him he love and cares about him while physically restraining him with a hug and then ask for forgiveness for being selfish, that's guilt tripping : "I do it out of love and concern so accept me taking away your freedom"
In the most recent chapter Joohyun was the one trying to back out of the class event so as to not upset Minwoo but Minwoo encouraged him to go to the class event. Not to spoil too much but I’ve read the raws and in the next chapter it’s Seojoon who physically pulls Joohyun away from the event. This was supposed to be a chance for Joohyun get to know his classmates but it is Seojoon, and not Minwoo, who isolates him from the group.
“Their relationship was doomed from chapter 1 when MC had to lie to be independent and go at something as simple as a drinking party with the other freshmen.
Being the ML mean receiving MC's love. The difference between a childhood friend ML and Minwoo is reciprocity of their feelings. MC doesn't like Minwoo that way.
When ML are clearly human trash, the perspective of the whole situation change since we have access to their thoughts and they sincerely love each other. In real life it wouldn't work because we know those actions aren't actually the result of love.
That's what happened to Minwoo, the lack of the ML status hold him to normal standard, while ML has the default card "sincerely, madly in love, would die for his lover." in hands.”
I agree the relationship is doomed because Joohyun has no romantic interest in Minwoo at all. I’ve said it previously but you could remove every scene Minwoo is in the story and the story would be the same, with Joohyun meeting Seojoon and starting a fuck buddy relationship. Minwoo’s only role is to be an antagonist to make Seojoon look good by comparison. The author wants to have her cake and eat it too by having Seojoon do all these awful; sexually assaulting a drunk person, removing his condom, lying about medication, for smut purposes but also wants him to be the “good guy”, thus we have Minwoo in the story. I get what the author is trying to do but I don’t like stories where I feel like I’m being pushed to a certain conclusion, especially when that conclusion wants us to favor a rapist ML without acknowledging the bad things he’s done.
The characterisation overall is a bit weak. Joohyun yearns for freedom but then ends up in a coercive relationship where he calls his rapist “master” and might be pregnant without his knowledge. Minwoo is super possessive of Joohyun but never confessed his feelings, with no explanation as to why not. Seojoon is taking out his own past trauma on a naïve virgin. None of these characters are particularly likable and the plot is flimsy but thankfully the art style and smut is great.

Idk why everyone loves these stories. The only interesting one was the first ones. The rest just seemed like cheap attempts at tragedy. :/ maybe I've read so much tragic books my expectations have shot up ( ̄へ ̄)

O.o Okai, here are some but just to make, tragedy doesn't always mean someone dies in the ones I've listed. Just some really good enotional drama and sad bits in there. Some of the manga do have death or seperation tho.
This series has three parts and this is the prequel i think:
All the manga by this author is so EmOtIOnaL, but these two I cried the most in:
These are longer ones, But they're SO GOOD:
This one hasn't updated on years but it's pretty good:
A two part series:
Pretty long but unfinished:
Not tragedy but it's by the same author and it's pretty good but not finished yet:
this list could go on forever sry, but these are the ones off the top of my head.
Why is this just an excuse for grape porn. Feels wrong even reading it. I was continuing like surely someone would stop it. But yea. Don't read.