This is probably one of the most interesting omegaverse manga I've read so far. The pairs, the "sins", the fact that even in omegaverse there's a limit, I'm so excited about the continuation (≧∀≦)

I thought chapter 16 was the end

I agree with you that this is an interesting manga but this is not at all the best omegaverse I would say. I don't intend to argue or convince you with anything.You are free to hold any opinion. Just wanna share some of my thought.
Many omegaverse mangas I've have read have shown the struggles omegas have to encounter, which definitely include the concept of "sins". Like if an omegaverse is not one of those full of sex, it is very likely to be not shallow.
I kinda feel this story will have a messed-up ending. I dislike many parts in the plot, mostly because how not decisive the omega has been. I know, there are so many conflicts, it is understandable to be confused. I just feel this manga is really weak in character development, which ultimately makes me grow less and less interest.
Sorry to talk so much, if you disagree with me, that's okay. I am kinda disappointed and emotional right now.

Haha, that's okay. I know this manga frustrates many people :)
Yes, I do feel like the author should do something about the character development for the omega. For me, he's just too stupid, lol :D
Let's hope that all three of them will find happiness at the end.
By the way, do you still remember the title for the manga with the sin concept you mentioned above? All of the omegaverse manga I read so far is pretty simple, you know, like omega-alpha bond, alpha-alpha couple, beta-alpha couple.

Hmmm, I am actually not very clear with your concept of "sins". This manga is actually kinda like the simple ones you are talking about to me. It is all about Omega-Alpha and oMega-Beta bond, lol. I was talking very generally about mangas containing the theme of "sins".
I have been a big fan of omegaverse, and I am kinda impressed by how well done it is compared to many other yaoi Japanese mangas. I actually like it to be funny and lovely more than tough and painful, but you probably think otherwise.
Have you tried "Sayonara Koibito, Mata Kite Tomodachi"? It is not a boring one.
"Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban" is also an very impressive manga to me at my first reading. It is just the omega has such a unique personality I found it different and interesting.
"Ai to Makoto (Moriyo)" and "Romantic Joutou" are out of cliche too.
"Castehate" is my recent favorite, can't love it more.
Well, I recommended a few, maybe you have read them and found them not your type. In that case, I am sorry we just have very different tastes. That being said, those mangas above are no way to be called simple or shallow in my opinion.

Sins as if they're together there'll be a punishment. In this manga, when omega marry beta, once the omega met the fated pair, they couldn't resist the bond. And if the manga break the alpha-omega bond, the omega and the beta will be punished. Like the alpha's mom case.
So far, this is the first omegaverse manga that have complicated relationship and limit. The mangas I read were usually have simple bond concept, alpha-omega married, beta-alpha together, no punishment no rule. From my understanding of this manga, please correct me if I'm wrong, omega can't be together with beta because once he met his alpha he can't resist the strong bond connection and eventually hurt both the omega and the beta if the omega break his omega-alpha bond.
I thought all omegaverse mangas have the same concept. Turns out it's not.
Anyway, you're right. I love dark themed mangas, lol :D
But I do read all kinds of manga :)
I haven't read Castehate yet. I'll definitely read that later. Thank you for the recommendation.
Ah, I think you misunderstood. I was referring to the simple bond concept, not the story. The stories of those mangas are indeed complicated with different conflicts.
No, I enjoy reading all types of manga. Thank you again :)

Wow, the author really have a deep plot twist (so far) for this manga. I think 90% of the readers want the beta x omega relationship and think that'll happen. But seeing from the new update, I'm not sure if that's really gonna happen.
This is the first time I read about how to break the pair and the consequence of doing that. And that's really scary.
I won't blame the uke, he met his pair and it's not like he can avoid him. And he must be scared too knowing what's gonna happen to him if he break the pair.
I understand how upset some people are, but that's their world and that's how it works.
I just hope at the end, the three of them will find their happiness.

This needs a lot of stories to make up. The author really need to work hard to cover the story because it's seriously f*cked up. I thought it's going to be a pure, mature love of two adults despite age gap. But with the last two/three chapters, both of them are just not ready for the relationship.
I don't even know which side to choose because both sides are just not right.

That's not fair. Just because you're older doesn't mean you have everything figured out. Based on what we know, he never had a fulfilling love life before this relationship. He was closeted most of his life and he even was married to a woman for years to hide it.
He's been pretending to be someone he's not for most his life : a straight best friend, a straight husband, a straight son.
This was probably his first real relationship and yes, he fucked up big time. He acted like a creep. But he might have learned from that and won't make the same mistake again in a future relationship.

Yep. He spent his life mostly alone. Then this kid bursts in and crushes his defenses and he can't handle it, the insecurity. I felt very sorry for him. What he did was dishonest, but I get why.
I guess I'll have to imagine him dating a 55 year old guy who is nice and doesnt' make him feel insecure, so he can relax and love.
It feels so wrong that we only got one epilogue. Ah, well.

This Veronica girl reminds me of my cousin. She's so obsessed with her best friend and corrupted his mind.
She married her best friend who happened to be gays, "helping" the poor gay guy to build a family so he won't disappointed his family.
But now she drag him to another city in another island to be away from his boyfriend.
Love is scary*sigh
Now, I need some fluffy manga

It's indeed bittersweet and some people feel annoyed because of the plot. But, think about it again. This story is realistic. How many people ended up happily married with their first love? Or how many people experience no hardship during their career/study?
It's sad but this is something that many people will experience in their life. Well, not the war, but more like how our feelings develop and how we define happiness.
And more importantly, live your life, embrace any possible of happiness that come to you.

Season 2 really shows us how the psycho world works. Abusive as a show of love and worship, I've seen similar case like this before in real life, so I know that they (psycho) didn't see the love same as us.
I kinda like season 2 (not the rape, the story). Other manga with rape based usually end with happy ending or they turn into real love relationship. But for this one, I have a feeling this will turn into dark-sickening-abusive story with sad ending (for us). Bum will still so into Sangwoo and Sangwoo will "use" him. For them, it's love. It's indeed sickening, but it's just like showing a new world to us. A world that psycho people have, world that totally different from us (sane people).
Can't wait for season 3

OMG I can't stop crying.
I love how mangaka put the story when Akira left Yuuki because he wants what everyone else has. It makes him realize, what you really want isn't always something similar to what others want. It's fine to give up something(kids or "family" in this case) to get what'll make you happy for the rest of your life.

Yeah it is human nature to be greedy. Sometimes we lost sight of what precious , we thought that our happiness is somewhere else, and we leave them who love us behind. And it is our nature too, to make mistakes then learn to fix it. Every step we take, we become mature bit by bit, that's a good thing. Akira needed almost 10 years to realized it. That was their journey, and they arrived at the last stop. It was a good story...

I can relate to Ohga's decision not to talk about his hardship and fear to his beloved one.
I have similar situation with Ohga, came from poor family, not a broken family but my parents still together because divorce is taking lots of effort and money.
The only reason I can continue my study (now I'm a senior in college) is because scholarship.
I study in top middle school, high school, and univ. Most of my friends came from rich family. They are so kind and always there for me.
Only two of my close friends know about my financial situation. I didn't let others know because I don't want them to pity on me. I don't want them to go to cheap restaurant just because they feel bad about me, or do other things because of me.
I'll just work hard and one day I can meet them again when I'm already success and tell them about my past life.
I guess that's what Ohga wants too. Just work hard and hope the hardship will stop soon, then meet friends with new life and new story.
Alright, I guess I'm too absorbed in my own story. Sorry XD
I once had a friend like Shiwoo. He likes playing around with lots of men, knowing his close friends loved him. He care for this close friend but he simply choose not to be in a relationship.
He was raped and used by his cousin/relative (i forgot) in the past, so he became like that I guess.
His friends always think he's a slut, but as someone who learn psychology, it's hard to overcame a past like that.
I was sexually harassed before and it took a long time before I can kiss my bf. Let alone sex.
So my guess is Shiwoo had a terrible experience and he decided not to be in a relationship or in love.
Besides, he also has a low self esteem about him being a good partner.
Did anyone even notice how he always said "A person like me didn't deserve to be loved like this?
Wasn't it mentioned that Yujin already knew Shiwoo likes to playing around but he decided to stay close to Shiwoo anyway?
I don't see any reason to hate Shiwoo since he's not in a relationship with anyone.