I think the ending's good.If it had continued, it would probable be like this.The younger bro falls for the guy, who's in love with the older bro.After three or four chapters, the guy's gonna slowly fall in love with the younger bro.That's how most stories go.If this had turned out like that, it would have been cliche, so this ending's kinda refreshing.
This was the last ZoroxSanji dj left unread by me on this site and I must say, this dj was the perfect "last" one.
Hope there will be more ZxS djs in the future ^^
This is a very very weird coincidence.I went over to myreadingmanga for more ZxS dj and I kept reading them until all but one was left.The last one turned out to be this very manga.So this manga is going be my last ZxS dj again!!! Ah~~~ I'll miss ZxS....
It was my first. Well no, not quite, but I only read a few and decided today to go on a proper SXZ spree :D there are soo many waiting ^^
And at first I thought those two are the only DJ couple I can't picture aaat all. I was sooo wring xD