Tomy's experience ( All 5 )

Tomy 29 10,2020
Yall fuckers won’t have to see my annoying ass on mangago anymore. Fucking finally got myself a life. Will miss you hoes. Hug   7 reply
29 10,2020
about have sex
Tomy 18 10,2020
sex with irl humans- ew cringe masturbating to your 2d waifus/husbandos - fuck yeah   2 reply
18 10,2020
Tomy 26 07,2020
I don’t want to be disowned yet   reply
26 07,2020
Tomy 26 07,2020
*spoilers* I cried so much when mikis dad saw that taro(his son) had turned into a demon and eaten his wife. I finally broke down when he was still unable to shoot him. Istg it was the saddest shit ever.   1 reply
26 07,2020
about hide yaoi
Now I can switch tabs faster than flash   1 reply
22 07,2020

Tomy's answer ( All 217 )

honestly dont give enough shits to care abt it fuck life   2 reply
26 10,2020
about question
but the question here is "is it gay to suck your own dick"   15 reply
26 10,2020
no one appreciates my yaoi hands :"(   3 reply
26 10,2020
joinnn, the staff tries our best to moderate to ensure ur safety bby gurl   reply
26 10,2020
Tomy 25 10,2020
no   reply
25 10,2020

Tomy's question ( All 8 )

An anime and manga server

Welcome to halo-halo, a discord server that are filled with loving and caring members, as well as a place where you can vent and talk about your interests.
Kind staff and members
Self pick roles
Variety of channels
We do have karaoke nights!
Non-toxic and a safe place
Loads of anime and manga topics that can be discussed, this includes yaoi, gl etc.
LGBTQ+ friendly community
If you're interested in joining halo-halo, feel free to message me or comment your discord tags, I'll send you the server link!
24 10,2020
ayo everyone im not sure abt what will happen to mangago but before it goes away i wanted to make a discord server for the users here cuz i genuinely really like talking with a lot of ppl here. if u dont have discord i would recommend making one if u can.

its just a hangout server where u can chill with other have discussions etc. i just made it so its not very fancy and all.

heres the link:

if you join it pls answer on this question so we can keep the thread alive

much thanks
24 10,2020
I never knew about happiness;
I didn’t think dreams came true;
I couldn’t really believe in love,
Until I finally met you.
ur an annoying hoe but i still love you ppcocaine. wtf is your new username btw. kaizen will forever remain in my heart. also stop getting your account restricted.
17 10,2020
Tomy 19 09,2020
Um basically memes that u hate maybe cuz they r just not funny or are used way too much
19 09,2020
Mushroom cloud is my holy water, my haven, and the one I give my twitch tier 3 subscription to
Arigato mushroom senpai keep spreading the love of star x fanboy everywhere
14 09,2020

People are doing

did unable to trust anyone

i can't trust anyone not even my own parents or friends cuz of my trust issues

29 minutes
did finally came out the closet

i'm quite open about it, but i used to get bullied for my sexuality so i only really tell people i'm close to about it now a days

30 minutes
did finally came out the closet

Kinda? I mean ion really believe in the concept of coming out cuz it's nobody's business but I do tell people if they ask

4 hours