clauidy July 25, 2024 4:02 pm

What chapter is this in the light novel?

clauidy April 14, 2024 10:44 pm


clauidy August 26, 2023 6:34 pm


clauidy August 1, 2023 4:28 pm

This girls are so gay ı'm loving it

clauidy July 13, 2021 3:25 pm


    ozmodeon July 13, 2021 3:36 pm


clauidy February 22, 2021 3:14 pm

The story is really cute and adorable but the fact that she is too young is disturbing a little ig

clauidy February 5, 2021 5:13 pm


clauidy January 20, 2021 12:14 pm

i really used to like this manga but it turned out to be a trash in the end. raeliana literally just killed someone even if it was for self defence without blinking an eye, and now they are going all lovey dovey ignoring that. i really hope raeliana still gets her punishment for taking someones life. i also hope from the bottom of my heart that hiika wont just stand by after seeing beatrices corpse, as he is considered someone 'holy' in that world.

    Drowsy January 20, 2021 12:17 pm

    bro shut up

    hiddenotaku January 20, 2021 12:21 pm

    girl u doing too much. the entire plot was a masterpiece if you nitpick everything ur gonna ruin it for other people

    j0278 January 20, 2021 12:21 pm what

    clauidy January 20, 2021 12:22 pm
    bro shut up Drowsy

    i am just speaking out my honest opinion like everyone else.

    Lilly_ken January 20, 2021 12:28 pm

    Bro if Beatris didnt die, our fl would. One must die for the other one. And Beatris deserved to die. That was her punishment for killing the queen even If Realiana didn't kill her

    花城<3 January 20, 2021 12:36 pm

    dude wth

    Hidung mampet January 20, 2021 12:40 pm

    ....she literally gonna killed her??? Wdy expect??

    weeny weeb January 20, 2021 12:41 pm


    The Whovian January 20, 2021 12:41 pm

    I dont see the problem with killing them, especially if it was self defense

    clauidy January 20, 2021 12:46 pm

    uhm???? she still killed someone even if it was self defense. even today if you kill someone to protect yourself you still dont get away with it without any punishment. i know that she had to kill beatrice to stay alive and im not saying anything to that, im just saying that they shouldnt just act all lovey dovey near a corpse and that raeliana still did indeeed commit a crime. you also cant deny that fact.

    clauidy January 20, 2021 12:47 pm

    she killed beatrice for the same reason beatrice tried to kill her. its just that beatrice played it really dirty and killed lady shamal and stuff.

    Felix De Fox January 20, 2021 1:19 pm is this your first rime reading a mature manhwa? (Not mature as in 18+, if u get what i mean)

    Yuichi January 20, 2021 1:21 pm

    Beabtch is literary trying to kill her so what is she suppose to do? There's always a threat on Rae's life thanks to Beatrice. Saying that this turned out to be a trash is a bit too much honestly, just saying

    j0278 January 20, 2021 1:25 pm
    uhm???? she still killed someone even if it was self defense. even today if you kill someone to protect yourself you still dont get away with it without any punishment. i know that she had to kill beatrice to s... clauidy

    Beatrice was literally gonna stab her

    MsYoonji January 20, 2021 1:29 pm

    Fuck I meant to dislike but bitch? Don't you remember how the blonde bitch tried to kill the mc MULTIPULE times? She even killed the queen and tried to frame the mc for the murder. And as you know, one must die for the other to survive, the blonde bitch deserved what was coming after all, her selfishness got the best of her and that's her fault. And yeah, mc killing someone is fucked up but just remember how she was forced to live a life in a different world just because blondie didn't use her braincells and thought about a better solution other than using black magic.

    Nila January 20, 2021 1:36 pm

    Wait but they're not being lovey dovey on purpose...
    Rae was only hugging him because she thought she was going to run away alone and that it might be a while before she could see noah again, and Noah obviously was unbothered because he's used to this stuff. And while I get that it might be a natural reaction to get sick at seeing a dead corpse I can't really blame them for not being bothered by the death of a murderer. Anyway, yeah it's a bit strange and probably unrealistic but I don't know if that's enough to call it trash.

    clauidy January 20, 2021 1:41 pm

    Raeliana committed a crime and you are denying that. I also know that beatrice was a threat for her life and one of them had to kill the other, im just saying that she should be punished for that, even if it was for self defence, as that is the normal thing to do. Its not only that and like i said earlier, there is a corpse with them yet they are still being all lovey dovey and its disappointing.Please try to understand what i am saying a little.

    Potato January 20, 2021 1:41 pm is this your first rime reading a mature manhwa? (Not mature as in 18+, if u get what i mean) Felix De Fox

    Based on her comment, I think this is the first time she read "this" kind of manhwa. Cuz actually, thats my initial reaction when I read other stories that involves killing—amm I mean, you know? When the MC killed someone and not even flinch about it, and they aren't even bothered that they just killed someone, though its out of JUSTICE of course (hope you get me)
    Though the more I read manhwa with that kind of theme, I gotten used to it and I actually understand why they killed them—like theres really a character that beyond redemption and deserves to die.

    So for Clauidy, good luck to you. You have a long way to go~ HAHAHAHAH

    Nila January 20, 2021 1:48 pm
    Raeliana committed a crime and you are denying that. I also know that beatrice was a threat for her life and one of them had to kill the other, im just saying that she should be punished for that, even if it wa... clauidy

    A crime? Self defense isn't a crime. It's not like Raeliana could just imprison beatrice or something and beatrice literally murdered the queen, which in those times, if we are talking about law, was a crime punishable by death. Why should she get punished for it? I can understand that it's strange that they hugged by the corpse and stuff but your argument that somehow raeliana should suffer for this makes no sense. If we're going by law she did nothing wrong and if we're going by ethics she did nothing wrong.

    Shenny Mae Pelin January 20, 2021 1:51 pm

    Actually, I don't exactly know whether or not I like the story especially now that I know that Raeliana is genuine heroine. It's just bothering me that even though she said that it doesn't matter whether or not it's predetermined fate, if you read the plot no matter how you see it, it's predetermined fate. I don't like the thought of it. Maybe, I'll love it more if she's not the real Beatrice and she's the real Raeliana.

    Yuichi January 20, 2021 1:57 pm
    Raeliana committed a crime and you are denying that. I also know that beatrice was a threat for her life and one of them had to kill the other, im just saying that she should be punished for that, even if it wa... clauidy

    Then please do not say that this turned out to be trash :)

    Felix De Fox January 20, 2021 2:13 pm
    Based on her comment, I think this is the first time she read "this" kind of manhwa. Cuz actually, thats my initial reaction when I read other stories that involves killing—amm I mean, you know? When the MC k... Potato

    *laughs maliciously in veteran* well well well, i too , wish u the best then, dear Clauidy~
    (godammit i wish they hv the peacock fan emoji...)

    Mingshii January 20, 2021 2:17 pm

    Raeliana’s been in in multiple events where she was almost killed because of Beatrice. Beatrice obviously wasn’t gonna let our FL live, and when you’re faced in a life or death situation between kill or be killed, I’m sure you’d also want to live. I wouldn’t think that the holy priest would defend Beatrice’s corpse after she also killed someone, and tried multiple assassination attempts on someone he cared about. Your defense is unjustifiable because both of them killed people, yet you’re only hating on Raeliana? Also, people usually have their “lovey dovey” moments after a life threatening event just happened. I would too.

    icaro817 January 20, 2021 2:21 pm

    Lol did you forget the blonde bitch tried to kill her several times.... nah the plot is a masterpiece you smoking hella dick

    @shutup January 20, 2021 2:27 pm

    Why don't you try staying still doing nothing at all when a crazy bitch is always after you?i repeat,always.

    clauidy January 20, 2021 2:34 pm
    Raeliana’s been in in multiple events where she was almost killed because of Beatrice. Beatrice obviously wasn’t gonna let our FL live, and when you’re faced in a life or death situation between kill or b... Mingshii

    No, its not true that i only hate raeliana. I dont hate raeliana even, i just think that the story is kind of messed up and raeliana is not the same innocent fl she was. I said multiple times but i also know that beatrice fucked up, and she tried to kill raeliana. She killed shamal. of course she isnt a character that deserves to be loved. But what im trying to say is Raeliana isnt a lovely fl anymore either, and the last chapter disappointed me too much.

    About saying that it turned out to be trash, i dont regret saying that. That is what i think, though the way i said it may sound a bit harsh, i accept that.

    Also to those three(?) saying this is my first reading a manhwa like this? That was a terrible way to jump into concluisons which failed just as terribly, but let me say that the amount of manwha i read isnt supposed to change my opinion on something? I have read many manwhas where the fl killed someone, and my opinion always remained the same.

    @shutup January 20, 2021 3:02 pm

    Raeliana never denied about killing beatrice(the original raeliana.she already fucking knows that she did wrong.

    Mingshii January 20, 2021 3:05 pm
    No, its not true that i only hate raeliana. I dont hate raeliana even, i just think that the story is kind of messed up and raeliana is not the same innocent fl she was. I said multiple times but i also know th... clauidy

    I understand that, people change throughout the experiences that they go through, and that’s what Raeliana experienced. I don’t think she’d stay the same innocent nice FL as she goes through multiple death situations and people who are against her though.

    Jhai3 January 20, 2021 3:40 pm
    No, its not true that i only hate raeliana. I dont hate raeliana even, i just think that the story is kind of messed up and raeliana is not the same innocent fl she was. I said multiple times but i also know th... clauidy

    If she stayed innocent and lovely then there would be no character development.....also i get that killing someone is wrong...but in my opinion if i were in her place i to would kill instead of waiting for my death...and also this manhwa has a great plot..and i enjoyed it because innocent lovely mc are boring...its the same shit..welp thats my opinion (=・ω・=)

    The Whovian January 20, 2021 5:34 pm
    Raeliana committed a crime and you are denying that. I also know that beatrice was a threat for her life and one of them had to kill the other, im just saying that she should be punished for that, even if it wa... clauidy

    People who kill in self defense dont get charged because they were in self defense

    weeny weeb January 20, 2021 8:19 pm
    uhm???? she still killed someone even if it was self defense. even today if you kill someone to protect yourself you still dont get away with it without any punishment. i know that she had to kill beatrice to s... clauidy

    It’s more than self defense it’s fate she was gonna die either way...And Beatrice almost killed duchess and set a house on fire she was gonna die from the knights and Noah either way

    Felix De Fox January 20, 2021 9:25 pm
    No, its not true that i only hate raeliana. I dont hate raeliana even, i just think that the story is kind of messed up and raeliana is not the same innocent fl she was. I said multiple times but i also know th... clauidy

    So meaning that you comment the same thing for every manhwa that has similar plot to this? Wow, seems like you're very dedicated to flowery endings where character development isn't important~ Ah, sometimes I wish I wouldn't be easily swayed by the trends just like you~ Though it didn't show the fact that Raeliana is expected to stay lovely until the end, ah silly me~, I must have a short-term memory. Also, what do you mean by, "That was a terrible way to jump into concluisons which failed just as terribly" sounds like as if we were supposed to achieve something here....? However, I don't recall SAYING that you haven't read this kind of manhwa but rather ASKING for affirmation....hmmm, unless you may be right or so, if that's the case, where did I do wrong...? Please enlighten this lowly one as I would like to know how to correct myself next time. (Aaaand i got derailed again...)

    Felix De Fox January 20, 2021 10:20 pm

    Speaking of which, I'm actually quite curious as to what your intentions are by simply commenting on this manhwa, looking at the popularity and number of responses that this topic has right now. And if, like you said, have self-proclaimed that you have read a lot other similar manhwas like this, by now you yourself should be very familiar with the way of the commentary and the reviews given specifically for every different genre's, styles and concepts. Because right now, the kind of impression you gave out is very illogical.

    Unless you're the type that just bulldoze right into it without looking at the reviews beforehand, then I won't say much but lament at your naivety. But if there are other ridiculous purposes just to comment something nonsensical that just goes against the main direction of the story, then you're wasting other people's time and effort to lecture you and trying to defend their interests.

    There's a reason why some having high ratings while some don't. The system follows the majority's favourite. So right now it seems to you that the majority who gave this manhwa high ratings have 'trash' tastes? Plus, do you yourself not think of the consequences before you post? Do you not carefully plan what you are going to say that stands along with your perspective and principles without having to offend the majority party? And are your eyes just for decoration on your head since you can't see the number of disagreeing responses under your comment?

    clauidy January 20, 2021 11:17 pm

    I just made a comment about what i was thinking. It wasnt my intention to make it sound harsh or anything, but it turned out to be that way. I dont have to always make a positive comment, as i have the right to speak out my ideas as much as all of you do, that is what this whole comment section is for. Its not only a place for lovely positive feedbacks. Just because people disagree or dislike it doesnt mean i should just shut up and not talk about what i think. I could have said it in a less harsher way i guess though, and i accept that as i already said.

    I just want to skip the part where you said that i comment on whats the trend, that one was just so stupid tbh. I know that the reactions to negative comments are always the same shit. if someone thinks the opposite of you, you just attack them without even thinking. When you see a negative comment about what you like, you just go on and swear at them or be so rude. Im not really talking about the ones who replied kindly here though, but the ones who said rude things as a reply to my comment. I wouldnt want people to misunderstand that. I dont really like repeating myself, but as i previosly said, i can share a comment on something even if its a negative one, and i did so.

    Also about commenting negatively to every manga i read, it was kind of absurd for you to think like that? Of course if i get disappointed, i point that out on the comments section just like how i point out the parts i like.

    Felix De Fox January 21, 2021 3:49 am

    ...If that's the case, then I have nothing to say anymore. Why of course, you have the right to freely speak out your opinions. Freedom of speech, is that what they called it? I should've just ignored this kind of comment in the first place

clauidy January 11, 2021 11:50 pm


clauidy December 4, 2020 7:41 am

am i the only who likes deleter? He's perfect. Go on, honey, im sure there are more people like me supporting you! Deleter x sooho's soul is the best ship in this damned webtoon (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Luna December 4, 2020 11:36 am

    Wow so honest lmao

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