kyu August 31, 2023 3:32 am

the uke is so frigging cute omg

this was so good and silly

kyu August 30, 2023 1:26 pm


kyu August 30, 2023 10:54 am

im glad we're finally getting backstory, because the whole mystery surrounding what actually happened back then to cause all of what's happening in the current was dragging on like crazy. i think sasha was getting abused or something and that's why karel covered for sasha killing that person after he was going insane from that? we'll learn why sasha left as well and why he never sent letters (if im remembering correctly) i haven't read any spoilers or anything. just happy we're finally getting answers

    kyu August 30, 2023 10:55 am

    also imo the story is getting bearable now before it had me rethinking why i should even continue reading it

kyu August 29, 2023 11:00 am

im so glad that i wasn't the only one thinking that this series was going down hill, why in the world are we this far and yet nothing has happened? she's the goddamn empress? her husband is the emperor and y'all still really struggling with her father? i agree with the other commenters she needs to grow a backbone and stop being so useless. i really did like their romantic story in the beginning but now it's getting so old, the will they won't they is so bullshit. also i oddly feel like she doesn't care about her son as much as she should, definitely a more unique opinion, as the whole original premise of this goddamn story was her hiding her son in order for him to be safe and not be used, yet now she's here in constant danger with her father she cannot stop for the life of her. just kill the father and get this over with!

    kyu August 29, 2023 11:02 am

    and she's stupid as hell too, and really hasn't developed a plan to stop her dad? this far in? wtf? correct me if im wrong ofc

    ... September 2, 2023 6:53 pm
    and she's stupid as hell too, and really hasn't developed a plan to stop her dad? this far in? wtf? correct me if im wrong ofc kyu

    Exactly. They have great excuse that he tried to poison the empress. The guy threatened her child in front of witnesses. She is getting scared where as she can use that for treason as well since the child is now the crown prince. Les majeste allows for immediate execution and her grand dad has the fighting prowess to carry it out. This is getting stupid.

    Megirl6473 September 6, 2023 11:22 pm

    The son comment is so true. Every time the son puts himself in danger she freaks out for 1 panel before going back to normal. She feels like a distant mother. Also why tf is she letting her son hang around the dad who abused u and ur brother when you were young?? I'm so confused by the relationships in the story, some feel very wishy washy

    ... September 7, 2023 8:19 am
    The son comment is so true. Every time the son puts himself in danger she freaks out for 1 panel before going back to normal. She feels like a distant mother. Also why tf is she letting her son hang around the ... Megirl6473

    It’s like the author nim doesn’t know what to do with the story now that the child’s origins have been exposed.

    Megirl6473 September 9, 2023 8:03 am
    It’s like the author nim doesn’t know what to do with the story now that the child’s origins have been exposed. ...


kyu August 27, 2023 11:23 pm

im sorry i love the ml but he's kinda ugly, maybe he'll look better in the end

    Ren August 27, 2023 11:56 pm

    He looks like a middle schooler dressed as an adult

    Kyun~ August 28, 2023 12:25 am

    I can literally agree with that but look at the bright side haha he's still in his puberty age maybe he's appearance will change in the future where he looks more mature and (dandy?) (≧∀≦)

    Bagel99 August 28, 2023 5:52 am

    I don't mind that he looks on the young side as they're meant to be like highschoolers, but I just find his character to be too plain. He feels so generic its painful, he doesn't suit her at all

kyu August 25, 2023 8:42 pm

guys please read "33.5: read me"

kyu August 23, 2023 7:34 pm

this gives me so much second hand embarrassment but holy shit it's so silly and adorable. i love the two of them

kyu August 19, 2023 6:52 pm

damn him with blonde hair though... he's so hot wth

    IamaRosey August 21, 2023 8:30 pm

    Delinquet shin/mamoru was way hotter than modern day very. I agree, wish he kept the same hair

kyu August 19, 2023 5:56 am

i love eunhyuk so friggin much you can't understand but i feel so bad for dohwa man

hate love triangles fr i want my boy dohwa to have his happy ending that isn't him chasing mc who's already eunhyuks

imagine how godly this story would have been if there was no love triangle

kyu August 18, 2023 10:41 pm

the sister is constantly getting on my nerves she probably is or becomes a good character but knowing that doesn't make me feel any better about her in the current

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