First night he raped jooin while he clearly wasn’t in the right state of mind/wasted. And never told him!!!! Jooin figured it out HIMSELF. He has shown no sign of remorse or change, and wouldn’t even defend Jooin in front of his cool friends. He was embarrassed of Jooin, raped Jooin, treated him like garbage and like duuude what more evidence do you need that Cain is better. Like Cain has done nothing wrong but imply that he’s lying about something. Other than that all he’s done is fix the mess that yahwi created. And is nothing but sweet to Jooin, like wtf y’all got 1st lead syndrome or sum. Like whoever you want but don’t ever ever ever diss Cain when he’s done nothing wrong. But also yahwi trash and has shown no sign of development and I could care less if they knew each other as children. Cuz even then he was mean to Jooin. So that’s my rant...anywayyyys Stan Cain trash yahwi.
To all the people defending yahwi