This has a live action movie that came out late June 2020 in theaters. An english sub version won't come out until they release the movie digitally as a DVD or on subscription websites like Netflix (these can be ripped from whereas you can't really record the screen at the cinema). For people looking for the Given movie, the same applies.
Here are the links to the movie's website and their twitter for more updates:
In the case for Restart, the pinned tweet says DVD and Blu-ray rentals will start January 29th 2021. Someone might upload it on the internet who knows, but don't expect finding it any time before that. I'm going to post something under Given with more information on that movie. [This comment will be copied onto the comments so please give it a like so that it'll show up on the main page for others looking for this information]

As of September 1st there's 13 chapters. You can read the official raws here

It's Nengara Nenbyaku Ansatsu Renka (The Assassination Love Song Lasting 100 Years/ The 100-year Assassination Love Song)
Currently it's only published physically in the magazine "Hanayume Ai" (花ゆめAi) but you can buy the chapters individually here (electronic version):
They are planning to release the first volume on August 20th.
Here is the author's twitter in case you want to keep up with the latest news: @kusakawanari
Please be respectful and try not to reply in any language other than Japanese as there isn't any official version in any other language (it is REALLY really new after all) and the author will know you're reading illegally somewhere. Google translate is better than plain english! ><

According to this tweet from Syundei, the 6th chapter for this sequel came out in the magazine OPERA in 2018. I didn't see anything about it being the last chapter but in OPERA I couldn't find this in any further issues than 63 (on the link in the next paragraph. This is strange because this tweet says chapter 6 comes out in vol. 70).
However I could only find it being published in the magazine (meaning no tankoubon or ebook for this series only could be found). I'm not very informed about how the sales of magazines work, but usually you cannot buy old issues (they may be available but usually I can't find them) (Maybe you can buy it here https://comic.k-manga.jp/search/detail)
Here is the twitter for OPERA @OPERA_edt in case you want to keep up with the latest works. As of their most recent issue released in May 2020, none of Syundei's works are there (so they were either dropped between 2018 and 2020 or finished. You can look through the tweets if you want).
I also tried to search the link on the credit page of the chapter uploaded on this website to see if the people were still working on the series but nothing showed up when I searched the link so I don't know what happened to them.
If someone wants to try and purchase the magazine or already owns the magazines and wants to upload them that's your only hope of getting updates. Or you can do your own further research to see if there are people who have already worked on it elsewhere.

not OP but ch 7 came out in OPERA vol 79 which was released march 30th this year

Here are the official raws! They are currently free to read!
You can also purchase Nanasaki Ryosuke's essays that the comic was based off of here (Japanese version only):
As for people waiting for the unofficial english translations, the first chapter of the comic was only published on April 29 2020, so don't expect and please don't pester/spam the comments for more since it's still really new and the next chapters probably haven't even come out in Japan yet. Have some patience if you're going to enjoy free stuff!

This series has been published in English quite a long time ago. It's only two volumes so it's not too pricey and the story is definitely worth buying. You can buy it here:
[this comment will be reposted in the comments section so please give it a like there so this information can reach more people]
Since it's release in August, I'm sure many people are eager to watch the new movie focusing on Haruki and Akihiko's story. The movie was released IN THEATERS and is STILL BEING PLAYED so currently there is no way for it to be on the internet unless some brave soul decided to record the theater screen and somehow didn't get caught by the staff members or other members of the audience.
That being said, a DVD and Blu-ray version is scheduled to release on February 3rd 2021. Unless they announce additional information from the time of this post to February, there is no way to watch it online. After the DVD is out and people can watch it at home, give it a few weeks to a month and someone might decide to fansub it. There is currently no news (at least on the JP side) of overseas release but given (haha) the popularity of this series, the comic and anime being licensed in english, the chances of the movie being subbed officially is very high. Just don't expect anything before next year.
Here is the twitter for the movie if you want to check out the latest news. Since there is an official english version of this work, it's fine to comment in english but please be respectful :)