It's like a dream, haha. All this is just too good to be true, non?
A handsome guy shows up and checks all the boxes, then is even willing to share his potential partner with someone else for sex... I mean....... woah!!
I wonder... if the guy pretends? And is actually into MD?? omg, I can't wait how this continues ahhhh

Hey larvitard, thank you so much for picking up this great manga again!
if you need help with cleaning or typesetting, feel free to message me. (I was actually gonna buy vol 3+4 from amazon jp, to help finish this, but couldn't find a translator :/ in germany only 2 volumes are released so far by tokyopop *sigh* )

You are much too sweet!! I'll definitely let you know if I end up needing some help with cleaning and such.
Regarding official releases, I think we only got vol 1 here in the States. Back when I was translating this the first time, I actually had to get vol 2 in German for the raws lol! I gave up on waiting long ago, so I had to take it into my own hands when I saw that the last 2 volumes were finally out in Japan. Definitely consider buying vol 3 and 4 to support Saki Aida and Takashina Yuu if you can (since we'll probably never be able to buy official releases)!

sure, just let me know, I'll be around ^^
And yes, I already suspected it would come to this @ buying japanese version. afterall I like my collections to be complete haha. I much prefer german or english, but tokoypop germany apparently has no plans on releasing vol 3+4 (I asked them a few weeks ago on FB). and like you said - the US version is even more behind, sigh.
Couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw an update here, haha
This story is soooo interesting, I want to know how to unfolds :D