ivy April 3, 2021 9:49 am

will you stay mangago? please dont ever leave me again
・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・ pretty please!!!

ivy March 16, 2021 8:31 pm

my home is back!

ivy August 24, 2019 12:26 am

hey there. I am in the mood for manipulative seme. It feels like I know all good ones from here (lol also the bad ones) so I checked backa updates- poor me! the ones I am interessted in are not translated :(
does anybody have nice suggestions? thanks in advance :D

    Msdytto August 24, 2019 1:40 am
    ivy August 24, 2019 11:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Gravenshi

    thx. I dont know some webtoones. (sound of sugar cubes, chew and swallow, truthor dare) I put them on my want to list. I hate to start with them when I dont know if we will ever get the end. I know actually I am reading some- and I suffer like bitch e.g. blood link. 18 chapters here and ... dunno 80? 90? chapter are to translate and not a single chance to buy a translation.
    btw. you have some of my favorites on your recommend list :D
    (kawaii akuma, hosik's story,zankoku...., yatteraneeze, color recipe... damn lol

    ivy August 24, 2019 11:50 pm
    If u haven't read it yet http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/oni_to_tengoku/ Msdytto

    thank you! sadly sadly.... I know it :(
    but... dunno I guess I will re-read it now :D

ivy August 18, 2019 7:10 pm

I thought the hype about omegaverse is over. but there are a lot new ones lately (or so it feels). about this genre I feel so so.. it depends on the story itself (I guess). I was just asking myself: dont they have self-defence in that universe? ok there are some omegas in heat who cant do anything(move around) but I also read some, where the omega only 'smells' and is able to move- but nothing, he just get raped. if I where an omega in such a world where omegas are the lowest in society... I would learn immediately martial arts or something lol and the thing with 'biting the neck' it doesnt feel logic (yea yea I know- logic in yaoi...) even if the teeth scratch something and the pheromes get mixed (or how it works) why doesnt it fade away? or is it like herpes? ones bitten you have it and every alpha has his/hers own herpes version? thats why you are only attract to your alpha?

    Mochi August 18, 2019 8:50 pm

    In another omegaverse I read(which is much better btw), when the alpha bites an omega, they basically inject liquid pheromones through their fangs/teeth. Apparently that makes the omega submissive.

    seAsluGsuckeR August 18, 2019 10:38 pm

    In most omegas I've read, rape happens because the mc is in heat, so, he's not able to fight back so much he desires an alpha. But it was before I read Megumi to Tsugumi, it's when I discovered the power of a strong will xD

    ivy August 18, 2019 10:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nekoszowa

    I 'heard' that it comes from the 'wolve' thing but its still not logic. they only do that biting to not lose the balance and not for marking (thats what I read about it).
    lol for me- I compared it more with cats. bec cats in heat are more like an omega then a dog in heat.
    so I like more the--ugh what is it called again? bounding? no, knoting was it!! (though, its ok if they just have the 'urge' to bite)
    and thanks for the recommend :)

    ivy August 18, 2019 10:55 pm
    In another omegaverse I read(which is much better btw), when the alpha bites an omega, they basically inject liquid pheromones through their fangs/teeth. Apparently that makes the omega submissive. Mochi

    devils temptation XD
    if you describe it like that... its like a vampire story
    in devils temptation, I also liked it, that it will go aways after some time. if I remember correct, they said so at the start
    somewhen I read a story... in that universe was it like an omega can only have one bite and never again a partner. so if the partner dies or is just an asshole...

    ivy August 18, 2019 11:02 pm
    In most omegas I've read, rape happens because the mc is in heat, so, he's not able to fight back so much he desires an alpha. But it was before I read Megumi to Tsugumi, it's when I discovered the power of a s... seAsluGsuckeR

    there are such and such. I understand that you cant fight back- when you are in the universe where they are not able to do something. but meanwhile I read some, where they are not so ... affected? like just feeling a lil bit hot and *cough cough* wet. here I would learn the self-defence. or maybe even in a world where you cant 'resist'. or carrieng pepper spray or something.

    Mochi August 19, 2019 1:11 am
    devils temptation XDif you describe it like that... its like a vampire story in devils temptation, I also liked it, that it will go aways after some time. if I remember correct, they said so at the startsomewhe... ivy

    No, that's not the image I wanted to give!! That's just a submission bite, I think it's different from mating bite. Author hasn't explained yet though.

ivy July 20, 2019 12:18 am

hey, I am in the mood for something like 'hang out crisis'. but I dont want focus on the smut. I like the little drama here, guyA realize he likes guyB, but B sleeps around (or something), so A also tries to move on, then B get jealous... and they lived happily ever after. it would be a big + if they where sex friend from the start or had a one-night-stand.
thanks in advance :D

ivy July 16, 2019 11:08 pm

I am curious. why does it seem that people nowadays are so obsessed with manhwa/manhua/webtoon's ? I still prefer mangas or manhwa/manhua with the same "page size". I do not like the others bec. my finger gets numb while scrolling, scrolling and..... scrolling. you need 80chaps or something what a manga does in (dunno) may 6 chapters. I often lose my interest/get bored bec.
the chaps are so short. why do you like them? is it bec. they are colored? or most of them are licencend and they 'feel' more special then not licenced ones? bec. of the art style? or is it easier to handle with an iphone?

    PoraPora July 16, 2019 11:20 pm

    IKR! The long scroll comic is too long for what actually is in it. Manga comic are better, they don’t waste space for nothing, and that way their work is well thought out for the spacing of the boxes.

    ivy July 16, 2019 11:27 pm
    IKR! The long scroll comic is too long for what actually is in it. Manga comic are better, they don’t waste space for nothing, and that way their work is well thought out for the spacing of the boxes. PoraPora

    jep. I hate the 'waste space' too!!!! but of course there are real masterpieces with great story and also everything seems well in order (dunno how to say it lol) I mean stuff like 'out of control' or 'raising a bat'. but for me it often feels like... a tv-serie (make more episodes to make more money (or something). for example 'here you are' I really love the main couple, but.... dunno now I get bored, bec. new couples or unwanted plottwist. of course it happend with mangas too: "caste heaven" but its more rare in my opino, or am I wrong?

    MrsHatake July 16, 2019 11:27 pm

    webtoons are made for phone or tablet, thats why they are in that format, but i usually use pc haha.
    idk, its kinda "new". most of them are really long, and you get chapter per week.
    also, japan craze has toned down a bit, people are now obsessed with korea instead so i think that plays the part.
    also, while cliche i think they did bring something a bit different to bl community so thats why ppl go nuts about them.
    boys are usually coloured and more buffed than in manga, kinda more realistic looking (if you can say that haha)

    ivy July 16, 2019 11:41 pm
    webtoons are made for phone or tablet, thats why they are in that format, but i usually use pc haha.idk, its kinda "new". most of them are really long, and you get chapter per week.also, japan craze has toned d... MrsHatake

    thx. that kinda makes a sence- I mean thats new and about korea (now when htey are obssesd with kpop-boys too).
    I disagree with the more realistic part. for 'buffed' only some few comes in my mind.

    MrsHatake July 17, 2019 12:32 am

    i meant looking more realistic

    MrsHatake July 17, 2019 12:35 am

    ofc they have different styles, some are not, but i think that the colour helps to get more into it.
    i also feel that a lot of mangakas have similar drawing styles - that typical yaoi looking artstyle, idk how to explain it, seems like its a trend and they go for it.
    but maybe i see it that way since i read way more manga.

    Arianna July 17, 2019 12:36 am

    Most of them are in color and the art styles are also great. The plots are also great. And since it's a webcomic, it doesn't have that "scanned" look to it. There's lots of reasons why people would prefer this over manga, including character designs. Let's not forget character designs.

    Arianna July 17, 2019 12:38 am

    I also forgot to mention that with drawing webcomics, you can choose your "brush". Meaning the lines can look different depending on which brush you choose, making them very varied in art styles. This also gives webcomics an edge over manga.

    MrsHatake July 17, 2019 12:51 am

    i dont think that last part is completely true since most mangas are now drawn digitally and you can do the same. also manga does vary in artstyles, but i guess due to manga industry and the way its made authors are probably more restricted.
    webcomics are usually longer so authors can make plot more dramatic etc so it draws people in (i wouldnt say most of them have really great plots, most are cliches but they can develop them more)

    i kinda feel like japanese authors are in a bubble - they are recycling old plots and styles, and are afraid of changing it and spicing it up, but koreans went all in with the marketing and different styles/plots.

    i personally dont really like chinese stories because they drag them for too long and have problems with censorship so their stories suffer.

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:09 am
    ofc they have different styles, some are not, but i think that the colour helps to get more into it.i also feel that a lot of mangakas have similar drawing styles - that typical yaoi looking artstyle, idk how t... MrsHatake

    thats true- but this counts for both mangas and the manhua/manhwa

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:11 am
    Most of them are in color and the art styles are also great. The plots are also great. And since it's a webcomic, it doesn't have that "scanned" look to it. There's lots of reasons why people would prefer this ... Arianna

    I accept or understand when you say colored is better- I like no love black and white old movies. but a lot of people give a shit of it just bec. its black and white. but I cant, really cant agree with the character design!!!! thats just not true (its also not true that manga characters are better, it depends on the artist)

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:13 am
    I also forgot to mention that with drawing webcomics, you can choose your "brush". Meaning the lines can look different depending on which brush you choose, making them very varied in art styles. This also give... Arianna

    you can do it also with pencils or with tint. there are many ways. but its true, in mangas they usually dont use it. but I love it when a mangaka does mhhh experiments? like nano bohra. after she met her old sensei, she changed her style a bit - really interesting!

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:14 am
    i dont think that last part is completely true since most mangas are now drawn digitally and you can do the same. also manga does vary in artstyles, but i guess due to manga industry and the way its made author... MrsHatake

    sorry - but they arent longer! just compare- how many pictures have a manga in 1 chapter and how many pictues has a webtoon in 1 chapter?
    in my opinion in the end the length is the same or manga is longer

    MrsHatake July 17, 2019 1:20 am
    sorry - but they arent longer! just compare- how many pictures have a manga in 1 chapter and how many pictues has a webtoon in 1 chapter?in my opinion in the end the length is the same or manga is longer ivy

    it was more me comparing long webtoons with one vol manga.
    imo those are longer. 3-5 webtoon episodes (average ofc, some are more) are around one manga chapter. so webtoons have more going on there, for better or for worse ( ̄∇ ̄") (sometimes its really not an advantage tbh).

    the way its set up its usually really hard for author but it keeps audience engaged more easily.

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:21 am
    sorry - but they arent longer! just compare- how many pictures have a manga in 1 chapter and how many pictues has a webtoon in 1 chapter?in my opinion in the end the length is the same or manga is longer ivy

    just count the first chap from "M Nano? Baka Nano? Hentai Nano?" it has 85 pictues.
    here u are" has 32 picures. also just realized often only the figures without a background.

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:25 am
    i dont think that last part is completely true since most mangas are now drawn digitally and you can do the same. also manga does vary in artstyles, but i guess due to manga industry and the way its made author... MrsHatake

    that with the bubble is kinda true- but for both sides. that what sells good will be sucked emtpy till nothing is left- like omegaverse, also stalker stuff is more around and it starts to get ridiculous.

    Arianna July 17, 2019 1:31 am
    I accept or understand when you say colored is better- I like no love black and white old movies. but a lot of people give a shit of it just bec. its black and white. but I cant, really cant agree with the char... ivy

    It's because South Korean webcomics reflect their current clothing/hairstyles and all that and I just simply think they look better than manga characters these days. I haven't been interested in any of the recent manga uploads lately even though I used to absolutely love manga before. Japanese artists always create characters that give off that usual japanese uke vibe; dunno how to describe it really. Webcomic ukes appeal more to me because they just look and act more like the type of guys I personally like.

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:31 am
    it was more me comparing long webtoons with one vol manga.imo those are longer. 3-5 webtoon episodes (average ofc, some are more) are around one manga chapter. so webtoons have more going on there, for better o... MrsHatake

    lol cant agree again. it would be the same when you just compare a manga with 6 ch and a manga with ... dunno about 30 chapters. of course in the longer one is a lot going on. but there are also shorter webtoons- may compare them with a norm. manga.

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:35 am

    I have a idea- let chose something and lets compare them neutral :D
    maybe ... 2 from each? 2 mangas and 2webtoons?
    would somebody be interessted?

    Arianna July 17, 2019 1:38 am
    I have a idea- let chose something and lets compare them neutral :Dmaybe ... 2 from each? 2 mangas and 2webtoons?would somebody be interessted? ivy

    I mean there's too many of either of them, so it's best to focus on a specific genre/collection of genres or something.

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:39 am
    It's because South Korean webcomics reflect their current clothing/hairstyles and all that and I just simply think they look better than manga characters these days. I haven't been interested in any of the rece... Arianna

    lol I cant (mhhh???) talk with you about it. I am soooooooo bad, that I cant keep them apart. I only realize "ok, read from left to right :( shame on me!
    and when you put them all in one pot you have manly and female ukes, badass ones, modern clothes....

    ivy July 17, 2019 1:43 am
    I mean there's too many of either of them, so it's best to focus on a specific genre/collection of genres or something. Arianna

    lol! kinda true
    of course it must be yaoi (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    MrsHatake July 17, 2019 3:11 am
    lol cant agree again. it would be the same when you just compare a manga with 6 ch and a manga with ... dunno about 30 chapters. of course in the longer one is a lot going on. but there are also shorter webtoon... ivy

    well its different since most webtoons have a lot of chapters and there are way less long mangas. they do the plot differently because webtoons start with the idea of being long (authors and publishers agree usually on at least 40 chapters), but mangas usually get more volumes if they are popular, so mangakas have to approach making a plot in a different way. (hope you get what i mean)
    I know there are longer mangas, I was just looking at the average length of manhwa and manga I usually see/read.
    Finder author (and im pretty sure Hidoku Shinaide author too) had said that they would do vol1/2 differently if they knew they would get the chance to make it that long. Im pretty sure ive read that, but cant back it up.
    Also, I think that about character's styles is true, Korean authors usually do pay more attention their "fashion sense". I feel like thats one of Oregetsu Tanaka's art charms.

    also i dont actually prefer manhwa, i always go first for manga, but this is what ive observed

ivy July 6, 2019 10:23 am

does anybody know what happend with yaoichan.me?
I wanted to'read' my precious love-shuttle raws and the whole site is gone ┗( T﹏T )┛

    ivy July 6, 2019 10:57 am
    http://yaoi-chan.me/manga/107888-lovers-shuttle.html Leoplx

    thank you so much!!!! then jsut my former link doesnt work anymore
    it was http://yaoichan.me/online/461272-lovers-shuttle_v1_ch7.html#page=2
    and another link (diff manga) didnt work either (already forgot wich one) so I really thought it was gone...
    again- you are my life safer ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu

    ivy July 6, 2019 11:08 am
    thank you so much!!!! then jsut my former link doesnt work anymoreit was http://yaoichan.me/online/461272-lovers-shuttle_v1_ch7.html#page=2and another link (diff manga) didnt work either (already forgot wich on... ivy

    lol safer... meant saver
    (good that I did not wrote you are a shaver^^)

    Leoplx July 6, 2019 11:50 pm
    lol safer... meant saver(good that I did not wrote you are a shaver^^) ivy

    Lol yw ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

poisen.ivy May 4, 2019 10:50 pm

I laught so hard just now and wanna share

    Itzarit May 4, 2019 10:57 pm

    They have the bounciness of chocolate mousse cake & now I'm hungry

    poisen.ivy May 4, 2019 10:59 pm

    the part with the cat and the mouse... so bad, bec my cat emma resembles that cat too much (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

poisen.ivy April 9, 2019 6:37 pm

why does it happen so often- I log in, read some pages and suddely I am logged out- I always realize it bec. (oh wonder) fucking adversiting sites appear.
Mangago- do you need money so urgent?

    Chunta April 9, 2019 8:01 pm

    Well to run this site they kinda do lol
    And to make a living

poisen.ivy March 17, 2019 7:02 pm

I cant see any pictures from albums- neither mine or from other people- also doesnt matter if its from here or upload pics- does anybody have/has the same problem?

    jinx March 17, 2019 7:52 pm

    try it again.

    poisen.ivy March 17, 2019 8:08 pm
    try it again. jinx

    still the same

    dapet March 18, 2019 8:00 am

    I have the same problem

    jinx March 19, 2019 1:00 am
    still the same poisen.ivy

    send me a link to one of the albums you can't access and I'll try and see if I can access it . and just for some clarification are you guys solely unable to view the images?

    jinx March 19, 2019 1:03 am
    I have the same problem dapet

    read my comment to poisen ivy and do the same and any details.
    I also want to check if you can flag your album to have admins take a look at it
    also i guess try refreshing the page and logging out and back in?

    jinx March 19, 2019 1:10 am

    actually i just checked both of your albums and I am unable to view some images I'm guessing it has something to do with mangago. I think you both should wait for the site to correct itself or perhps try and contact the administrators?

    dapet March 19, 2019 1:37 am
    actually i just checked both of your albums and I am unable to view some images I'm guessing it has something to do with mangago. I think you both should wait for the site to correct itself or perhps try and co... jinx

    ok . thank you for your reply

    jinx March 19, 2019 3:28 am
    ok . thank you for your reply dapet

    you're welcome and looking back on it, it might actually be an error with the manga your album is hyperlinked to. I'm sure the site is working on fixing it slowly. just give it some more time?

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