When reading Korean manwhas do you guys convert their ages or just pretend it’s not in Korean age, bc Korean age adds 1-2 years which is why a lot of manwhas put an emphasis on how young a “20 year old kid” is bc they’re actually freshly 18-19 depending on if they have an earlier or later birthday im used to kpop so it automatically converts in my head

I used to but now i don't. Bc now I understand how to read in context. It's the difference between just "that is young" vs "that is young after you convert the age".
Korean ppl already know that 20 years old is young. They don't have to do any math since it already exists in that context. Having to subtract years to understand why korean ppl think that way is me having to relate it to my non-korean experience. Now i just do it automatically.
((Also, it's not always 2 years. When koreans talk to each other they often say the year they're born instead of age.))

Technically it’s one, but if your birthday hasn’t passed, then it would be two. Basically, Korean age makes everyone’s birthday January 1st of their birth year, and when you are born, you are already 1 year old. (Obviously they know everyone’s birthday isn’t actually January 1st, but the system makes you age with the new year.) So a lot of “20 year old” kids in manhwa are 18 year old kids turning 19 that year. If you want to calculate your Korean age, you take your age and add 1 year if your birthday has passed and 2 years if it hasn’t passed yet.
Technically Korea abandoned this system as of 2023 but its still very commonly used since people have been doing it for so long.

Bls where it’s teen boys being teen boys, like in 19 days, like homoerotic friendship (before they get together) that reminds you of the boys in highschool who are best friends but you wouldn’t be surprised if they were lowkey in love

This all I got

the exact definition of this no joke

Cakeverse reccs plss preferably uke cake seme fork

I like this one but it hasn't updated since November

My first reaction but it’s so good it’s a world where people who are “forks” have no tastebuds so they can’t taste anything except people who are “cakes”, people who are cakes have no idea they’re cakes until a fork finds them, cakes’s body fluids and etc taste sweet and are the only thing forks can actually taste

Am I the only one sick of boring plain looking ukes, you’ll have the ML being the most interesting and handsome character then an uke who has the personality of a wet rag and looks like a background character…

Just finished reading this I loved it haha. Pretty Aphrodite blessed seme and hot buff manly uke blessed by the booby deities.

Yesss so true!!
I mean sure, there are a few where the uke is beautiful (always beautiful, NOT handsome and manly, apart from a few exceptions) but most times even if the uke is not that plain the seme is the most good looking man alive in their universe that everybody has a crush on I'M SO TIRED OF THAT.
Even when the uke is indeed handsome, the seme is always made EVEN MORE handsome. Can't we have more variety with ukes that are more good looking than their seme? Possibly not because they look like a woman and make all the guys lust after them just because of that??
(And let's not talk about the personality. It's even more obvious in love triangles where two extremely hot guys fight to the death over a mc that has less personality that the essays I was forced to write in middle school, my God)

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANN, and omg the reason they look like women isn’t diversity for fem ukes it has to be for people to project onto, the same reason why anime isekai mcs are all plain and look the same for men to pretend it’s them like cmon they’re the MC if they’re boring then who am I supposed read for??

I never understood this thing about plain main characters for projection. I mean, when I read a story I immerse myself and feel like I am the protagonist but I'd rather be hot?? If you're plain irl wouldn't you rather experience being extremely hot second-hand?
And even without projecting, like you said, wouldn't you rather read about a charismatic and interesting main character?
Bl with homophobic ukes? I only see bls that have homophobic semes
High school Boy