Plz help. So all I remember about this BL manga was that humans had a god captured and they would send these “wifes”. The boy wife’s would eventually have their eyes turn red and die after being with the god for too long. This is not the cause for our ML and I think he frees the god or something.
It’s a short one, nothing long about 1-5 chapters if even. Please help. I also remember something to do with a butterfly idk lol
I really thought this would be better tbh. It reminds me a lot of another manga, I think it’s called Haven something. That other one was much better, this one has absolutely no plot other than rape and lackluster psychological games. Boring
Guys please don’t upload garbage for the sake of just uploading the next chapter
“For the regime” bro?! For real
I can’t deal with Sejin’s unhealthy ass need to be involved with those people. He knows he’s nothing more than a playing card, he’s always been but yet he goes off running trying to see if everyone is okay.
Keeps calling that old man father and sh*t. Dude get a psychologist and move on.
ML is such a kid it’s kind of annoying. He’s a sitting duck of an emperor. Reading this is not worth the annoyance anymore.
This trope is so overused. Dumb fml, childhood romance turn fuck buddies with zero communication skills. This is funny for a total of one second and then it’s done.
No seriously this storyline jumps from one random thing to another. Wth is going on?! Also what a damn cliche. Dropping.
Psycho ML and this type of plot gets pretty boring really quick. Also vampire is so lame and spineless it just makes the whole plot extremely boring.
MC is being a dumbass in this latest chapter. Why are you following a weird stranger, who is giving you terrible vibes into a damn bathroom without your bodyguard. This level of stupidity pisses me off.
Y’all are ripping this one to shreds, when it’s actually not that bad. It’s light and kind of dumb, which is exactly what it’s meant to be.