You're cute and all but still boooooooo, don't go around saying I'm gonna steal you. That just makes you sound like and obsessed, maybe even delusional, (loser) stan who can't accept the reality of your fave having their own private life. Boooooooooo. (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻
No bc the comments in the kor website is so funny bc they just want the story to be 19+ so they can see the two of them doing it, like they're so unserious (╥﹏╥)
And my dudes Haejoon is such a great friend. Like he recorded a convo as proof of his parents abuse to the police, if this chapter isn't making you cry then the next chapters probably will
They're foul for using Snake (my baby boy) on the "life on the line—" line. FOUL I TELL YA! YANA WHEN I CATCH YOU YANA, WHEN I CATCH YOU!!! (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻
You're cute and all but still boooooooo, don't go around saying I'm gonna steal you. That just makes you sound like and obsessed, maybe even delusional, (loser) stan who can't accept the reality of your fave having their own private life. Boooooooooo. (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻