I am serious. I have never seen a fat seme in Yaoi and I really want to see one. Eveyone is skinny or with muscles. Don't get me wrong, it is really nice. I love it myself. I just want a change of pace and I think it will be interesting that for once the seme does not have a perfect body or is handsome.

I always see in smut and yaoi how a person screams when someone licks their nipples. Is this common? In no way I ever felt like screaming or moaning loudly from this. Sometimes I envy fiction.

Hello, I'm here with some facts! Some people have very sensitive nipples and some barely feel anything; it has nothing to do with gender. The most that can come from nipple stimulation is probably just a ticklish feeling or arousal that makes males/females horny but it'll never be so intense as to make them moan :/ some men even get turned on by their undershirt touching their nipples so yaoi is just an exaggeration based on truths
Does anybody know a manga/manghua/webtoon about 2 people who fall in love after they are married and have a kid?