I cannot take this seriously. It is quite clear that the author has a romantic vision of Paris.
Well, the city no longer has anything resembling romantic and chic.
No need to believe me, just go there and see for yourself. I pity anyone who comes from another continent to have a honeymoon there.
What politics? I was talking about the atmosphere and how it looks in the webtoon. No matter what you say, that romantic atmosphere is gone now and it is the current reality. I already dropped the webtoon since it seemed like it just spread the illusion. An illusion that is spread by travel agencies too. You have no idea how many travel agencies were sued by groups for false advertising. That false advertising being just the above - promoting a romantic and chic atmosphere that does not exist anymore. Oh, and try to play daily on the streets in the same place and people leaving lots of money, see what happens.
Oh my God. Seriously girl, this is a FICTION for Pete's sake. Does the author ever mentioned of what you were calling "advertising" the PARIS in this novel? The fuck with false advertising? IT DOES NOT PROMOTE BUT RATHER, SHARING HER IMAGINATION THROUGH HER ARTWORK. And her artwork that what you were calling an ILLUSION, is an ART for us.
False advertising as in false impressions. The fact that in her imagination this is what Paris looks like, is proof of falling under the same illusion. And to be honest, it is no surprise. Asians are the most surprised when they come to Paris.
My comments are FYI. If someone reads it, goes super charmed thinking that it is like that, the shock will be great. Especially if someone wants after reading this webtoon to be a street musician in Paris. No harm in letting people know reality.
I am serious. I have never seen a fat seme in Yaoi and I really want to see one. Eveyone is skinny or with muscles. Don't get me wrong, it is really nice. I love it myself. I just want a change of pace and I think it will be interesting that for once the seme does not have a perfect body or is handsome.
like ~~ " does guys poisoned you repeately and they would have been keep doing it if we did not stop them and tortured them a little so we could find the culprit"
And Voila. They were not being evil just for the sake of being evil. Roselia must understand that.