Big Rat February 21, 2025 1:10 am

Bottom kinda reminds me of Luigi Mangone (not sexualizing him at all btw) I think it's because of his hair and eyebrows reminds me of him idek

Big Rat May 11, 2024 5:23 pm

Gojo is now a certified boy lover

Big Rat October 25, 2023 2:06 am

Honestly if you just turn your brain off and ignore all the problems in the story, it's an entertaining read to say the least.

Turning your brain back on it's hard to say my thoughts about the story. For one, I can compliment the art and the way the facial expressions are drawn in a way that accurately and wonderfully captures the character's emotions. The story is a somewhat accurate representation on the effects of trama on some; the nihilistic, derealized and depressive mindset one may acquire due to the effects of abuse (I say this is as someone who's life is still heavily affected by the truama).

There is not much for me to say besides this other than Minho never deserved any of it. To leave an implication that he deserved said incidents that happened to him due to his actions he had done in the past is nothing but absurd ludicrousy (which may be obvious). The ending is a depressing one, one where he is stuck in a cycle of never ending truama forever. I do prefer it over a cliche death scene, but I do wish that Minho would have not given up his life so easily. This may be a work of fiction, but I hope that all of those suffering from abuse to get away from those who have abused you. Do not let them tempt you, do not let them have control over you.

Don't have much else to say, just an overall depressing read that makes you feel empty by the end. If you want a good psychological thriller but don't want to use your brain too much, give it a read. If you are looking for something more in depth or more wholesome, look elsewhere.

Big Rat June 3, 2021 3:26 am

Sigh...the mha fandom is at it again, read the comments and you'll know what I mean.

I only clicked on this so I can have fun laughing at the comments.

Big Rat March 17, 2021 10:49 pm

Second time reading, some good guro. If you want something worse there's Mai Chan's daily life on 9hentai. BUT WARNING, it's very bad, like the worse thing I had ever read in my entire life and I'm still traumatized from it. It's like feeding lamb times 20. The worse things you can ever do is in this manga like all the taboo stuff. Shit should be illegal.

    we_do_be_like_that69 March 18, 2021 12:56 am

    i think this is way worse than mai chans daily life,,,, mai chan isnt even the most disturbing thing that uziga waita has drawn,,,,, in mai chan she cant die, thats the absurdist angle, but in this death is the ending and the cutesy flair in mai chan kinda makes the gore less intense----- i guess once you get into ero guro, seeing someone fuck bullet holes or turning intestines inside out kinda loses its appeal (but thats all just my opinion lmao, i dont wanna sound rude or anything because mai chan is still really fucked in its own way)

    Big Rat March 18, 2021 3:40 am

    Its mostly the baby rule 34 in Mai chan that makes it worse than this, not the gore. Just the heavier subjects.

    Big Rat March 18, 2021 3:42 am

    I know that there is worse but Mai chan's is the worst I'll ever read again and it's more popular

Big Rat January 23, 2021 4:48 am

Bro is gone just like my dad

Big Rat December 24, 2020 9:28 pm

I'm pretty sure this was my first manga back in middle school. I'm surprised there isn't an adaptation for this classic.

Big Rat November 28, 2020 7:48 pm

Light X L Fan Fic Slow Burn #psycho #yaoi

Big Rat November 27, 2020 1:31 am

I need to go outside

Big Rat November 25, 2020 8:17 pm

You know, with these psychological mangas with a person with mental illness, the person usually either ends up dead or in a cell. As someone who has a bit of mental ilness myself I really appreciate that the story ends on a hopeful note. Most stories in the genre just kill them off and give off a message that "they can't be helped, they're just going to be like that forever" *cough an uncormtable truth*. Like what the fuck? It's an overused trope and usually isn't done right anyway. I'm glad it ends like this, it still manages to stay unsettling without being downright offensive or inaccurate.

    Abduction_kink_sry November 29, 2020 5:11 am

    i haven't read it yet but after reading ur comment I might just consider reading it

    Big Rat November 30, 2020 1:17 am
    i haven't read it yet but after reading ur comment I might just consider reading it Abduction_kink_sry

    Please do. It's probably the most satisfying manhwa I've ever read.

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