My ferrets name is Wilbur want to do ( All 1 )

what do you want in life

My ferrets name is Wilbur's experience ( All 2 )

Just gonna say this conversation is a whole mood and i was not just taking up peoples time i was legitimately down. So please dont come at me. But this conversation made me feel loads better as i was waiting.   2 reply
06 03,2021
Have you ever started reading an incomplete manga thinking it wasn't gonna be any good then ended up loving it and then had to wait for updates? I have to many times... Or ever gotten waaaaaayyyy to emotional over manga?   2 reply
12 02,2021

My ferrets name is Wilbur's answer ( All 22 )

-Rather not say -Rather not say -Here U Are -Distance by Cake -Beastie Boys -Haikyu! -Pokemon -Ice cream -Gay -Yes -Why not?   1 reply
21 07,2021
@HarryTheHappyDinosaur   reply
25 05,2021
about lmao
WELL DAMN   reply
19 04,2021
Awww boo's embarrassed   reply
07 03,2021

My ferrets name is Wilbur's question ( All 2 )

I really need somebody to explain alphas, betas, omegas, and whatever else there is. I will be reading a manga with those words and I have no clue what it means.
23 02,2021
Mine was at this pizza place. I was fucking this girl and not gonna lie I think she was a virgin cuz she had no experience like at all. Like this girl couldn't even kiss well.
19 12,2020