Katie_T March 13, 2021 1:55 am

Looking for a manga about a student, he always gets into fights or gets bully but he doesn't want to be a weakling anymore and paid a fee to some man to be his teacher for fight. The student was able to become of a goood fighter due to his eye sight; taking his glasses off.

    Not_0kay March 13, 2021 2:09 am

    I recommend weak hero. Not really exactly a long those lines but Although they main character gets beaten up, later become stronger. He too also gets into fights and doesn;t want to e a weakling. So he trained and stuff.


    aei March 13, 2021 2:16 am

    Super Outcast
    ^Pretty sure it's this one

    Cronabrainrot March 13, 2021 5:44 am

    Reminding myself I need to read these :>

Katie_T February 6, 2021 5:47 am

Looking for a manga where the ml crossdresses as a girl due to an illness, traumatized or scared of girls. The female lead they both go to same school and thought she's lesbian until she found out that ml actually a girl, finding out his secret. There's many scenes where ml keeps kissing female lead to where she falls for him and seems like he's unaware or doesn't acknowledge his feeling s towards her.

Thank you"

Katie_T January 10, 2020 1:04 am

I swear... Furuya always talking about becoming the "best" Ace but whenever he's doing a shitty job to the point where Seidou almost lost the game, he's always subbed out. Then appears Sawamura always cleaning up Furuya's mess and saving the team when they're in a bad situation. Basically, Sawamura is most likely always there to pitch in the game to clean up Furuya's mess he starts.

    qri lee January 10, 2020 1:56 am

    do u watch daiya no ace act ii ? sawamura is FINALLY becomes the ace

    Katie_T January 11, 2020 7:38 am
    do u watch daiya no ace act ii ? sawamura is FINALLY becomes the ace qri lee

    You mean read or watch? As in read the manga or watch the anime?

    qri lee January 12, 2020 9:44 am

    I mean reading the manga lol my bad

Katie_T January 9, 2020 1:19 am

Does anyone know the chapter where Furuya fucked up his pitching as the "ace" or so with all bases loaded, and so the coach subbed in sawamura as a pitcher on the mound in the game. Which sawamura saved the team from a tight spot but in the end of the game they lost.

Thanks for helping!

    raindragon January 9, 2020 3:12 am

    I love it you're talking about diamond no ace! Sawamura saves the team in dna 2 and he ends up being super intense and even hits 2 base run? that one? no idea. haha. I will look it up hold on Only After You've Won Episode 16 DNAII

    raindragon January 9, 2020 3:16 am
    I love it you're talking about diamond no ace! Sawamura saves the team in dna 2 and he ends up being super intense and even hits 2 base run? that one? no idea. haha. I will look it up hold on Only After Y... raindragon

    It spans across from episode 15 My Role. they're playing Ichidai. Amahisa confronts Sawamura at the end of 16 or 17 wanting his email.

    raindragon January 9, 2020 3:20 am
    It spans across from episode 15 My Role. they're playing Ichidai. Amahisa confronts Sawamura at the end of 16 or 17 wanting his email. raindragon

    shit. you want the chapters. maybe look for similar names of those episodes. don't know in the manga. too many chapters

    lovvlai January 9, 2020 5:08 am

    I'm late to the conversation, but I think I know which part you are talking about. This is the chapter when sawamura replaces furuya: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/diamond_no_ace_act_2/bt/f5b91968d6d10132/Ch42/pg-1/

    raindragon January 9, 2020 6:07 am
    I'm late to the conversation, but I think I know which part you are talking about. This is the chapter when sawamura replaces furuya: http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/diamond_no_ace_act_2/bt/f5b91968d6d10132/Ch... lovvlai

    Thank you! now I will go back and read that part again. I wish I could get my hands on the chapter where they're playing Seiko where Miyuki gets injured. really would like to read that one

Katie_T March 7, 2019 6:27 am

I remember reading this one manga where the main character(guy) creates these robots or transformers using rocks and some other things. He was able to create it ever since he was a little boy and he showed it to his father. However, his father took advantage of his ability and used what he created as "soldiers" and "tanks", to go on wars and take over the world/city. Later on the main guy found out thanks to some people who trespassed into their home. The people are nice and wants to stop the father's doing. Main character didn't want war and so he joined the group and took down the things that he created.

Please help me find this manga

Katie_T December 12, 2017 6:53 am

I'm looking for a manga where a 21 year old college guy decided to play a game to help him with communications. Supposingly he's good at communicating when it comes to individuals ppl but really bad with interview.

Katie_T April 24, 2017 1:20 am

After a breakup with my ex, I've been single for 7-8months and was happy by myself. But I feel like I want to date again and just woke up from a nap... I feel very down and lonely. I have no idea what's wrong with me.. plz help ╥﹏╥

    I Thot You Was a Toad April 24, 2017 1:41 am

    Okay, if you've been fine as a single for that long and woke up feeling blue, just randomly out of the blue like that, I wouldn't put too much into an emotional reason around your circumstances. I would look into a physiological explanation first. Could be anything: hormones (thyroid is a big culprit, insulin might be causing hypoglycemia, menses ...), stress at work/school/with family, poor diet, a virus like a cold or the flu, more exercise, more sleep, better sleep (if you're prone to sleep apnea, for example), more sunshine, more vitamin D if you've been missing too much sunshine.

    Some of these you can eliminate easily, by going outside for some vigorous daily walks in the fresh air and sunshine, for example. Eating more fresh fruits and veggies (whole, not juiced.) Putting away the electronics for an hour or two before bed and making sure you get at least 8 hours a night of undisturbed sleep.

    Others, you might want a doctor to look into. If you've been under stress, your endocrine system might be affected. A glucose tolerance test and a blood test for hyperthyroidism could eliminate two other possible causes. There is a gizmo for testing for sleep apnea, if that's a problem.

    Any possibility that you could be pregnant?

    If these don't work, then look into making larger changes in your lifestyle to make it more enjoyable and less lonely.

    Remember, as with grief, this will pass. You just have to go through it first.

    Katie_T April 24, 2017 1:45 am
    Okay, if you've been fine as a single for that long and woke up feeling blue, just randomly out of the blue like that, I wouldn't put too much into an emotional reason around your circumstances. I would look in... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Thanks for the reply and advices. And no I'm not pregnant loll

    StellarLuminous April 24, 2017 3:28 am
    Okay, if you've been fine as a single for that long and woke up feeling blue, just randomly out of the blue like that, I wouldn't put too much into an emotional reason around your circumstances. I would look in... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Probably something about the chemical imbalance in the brain seriously this whole "love and loneliness" for no legitimate reason is mostly just a bunch of chemicals in the brain and oxytocin and heeey a fellow psychologist!! -points double index fingers- best to consult a biological psychologist in my opinion.

    I Thot You Was a Toad April 24, 2017 4:02 am
    Probably something about the chemical imbalance in the brain seriously this whole "love and loneliness" for no legitimate reason is mostly just a bunch of chemicals in the brain and oxytocin and heeey a fellow ... StellarLuminous

    Exactly! Something that shows up out of the blue like that ... it needs someone who can help navigate the body like a physician, as well as understanding psychological responses.

    Katie_T April 24, 2017 5:06 am

    Thank you everyone for replying back and will do ;)

Katie_T April 17, 2017 12:21 am

Let's say your friends with your crush and you know they'd flirt to others. Would you continue being friends with them as long as y'all get go communicate or would you ignore them completely?

    justme April 17, 2017 12:34 am

    i mean, does your friend know the other person is your crush? if they do, then that friend is being very rude. and if they don't, what if they like your crush too? ya know. might wanna talk it out before you decide to not talk anymore.

    Anonymous April 17, 2017 12:36 am

    If we cant be more than friends and I have a crush on them whether they flirt with others in front of me or not the friendship is over. I have been in some situations that have caused me to feel that way. It might not seem nice to drop friends like that even if they try to be courteous but I just dont want to feel miserable and I will no matter how nice they try to be about it. I am not owed a relationship. Fair enough. They also are not owed my friendship.

    Katie_T April 17, 2017 12:40 am
    i mean, does your friend know the other person is your crush? if they do, then that friend is being very rude. and if they don't, what if they like your crush too? ya know. might wanna talk it out before you de... justme

    Lol, I meant you are friends with your crush

    Anonymous April 17, 2017 12:49 am

    just start to put some distance between you two, your feelings might settle the further you are from them

    justme April 17, 2017 12:54 am
    Lol, I meant you are friends with your crush Katie_T

    oooh, lolol "your" and "you're" can make a big difference hahaha. but now that I actually understand the question. No, i think i would still remain as friends cuz based on your scenario, my crush isn't officially mine, ya know? plus we stand as friends so that makes it even more weird to just cut ties and ignore each other completely. until i actually make it clear that i like them, i have no right to be jealous of who they flirt with.

    Katie_T April 17, 2017 1:03 am
    oooh, lolol "your" and "you're" can make a big difference hahaha. but now that I actually understand the question. No, i think i would still remain as friends cuz based on your scenario, my crush isn't official... justme

    Haha I'm thinking the same thing and it's what I'm doing at the moment

    discovering yaoi April 17, 2017 1:56 am

    the thing is, if your crush doesn't know that you like him, then if he does flirt with others hes doing nothing wrong because he doesnt know about your feeling

Katie_T April 16, 2017 1:03 am

The guy who I'm interested only sees me as a friend and is flirting to other girls and some that I know... I feel that this is going nowhere and it making me lose hope.. idk what to do.. should I Just keep trying or give up and become his friend only?

    Anonymous April 16, 2017 1:08 am

    Its up to you.. if you think you still have strength to not give up.. then dont give up..
    Show him the sign that you like him
    But if you think its enough for you then you need to move on..

    Katie_T April 16, 2017 1:18 am
    Its up to you.. if you think you still have strength to not give up.. then dont give up..Show him the sign that you like himBut if you think its enough for you then you need to move on.. @Anonymous

    I can't seem to makeup my mind... when I lose hope and am about to give up he will be texting and that gives me hopes..and the same thing continues on..

    CAYMAN April 16, 2017 1:50 am

    I say just move on. No use in wasting energy on a guy who doesn't see you in that way.

    Katie_T April 16, 2017 1:54 am

    Aight thanks!!! I'm ready to give up and made my decision .

    Anonymous April 16, 2017 1:55 am

    I think it might be helpful if you make a hard decision: would you rather stay friends with this person OR risk the friendship and tell him your feelings. Otherwise this limbo will go on and you'll continue to suffer :(.

    Anonymous April 16, 2017 2:10 am

    hang around with another guy and see if his attitude towards you changes, if not then just move on

    Katie_T April 16, 2017 2:13 am
    hang around with another guy and see if his attitude towards you changes, if not then just move on @Anonymous

    I'm a just stop giving my attention and msges loll

    discovering yaoi April 16, 2017 3:09 am
    I'm a just stop giving my attention and msges loll Katie_T

    yes girl get in ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Katie_T April 16, 2017 5:20 am
    hang around with another guy and see if his attitude towards you changes, if not then just move on @Anonymous

    Mhm... I don't like using other ppl

Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:03 am

It bout me and this one guy..we've never seen each other before but he added me on fb and msged me. Our first days of msging we talked bout how old we are and our hobbies. After a few days we stopped msging. After 6-7mknths, I posted a pic of my prom outfit he suddenly msged me later on that day. We've beeen msging 3-4 days straight and I'm having interest in him. But he seems to not be.. well..he works and works out . ..wheneve we msg it takes him a few hours to msg me back, he'll leave me on seen and msg me after 1-2 hours... or don't msg me back at all. Also, once we msg it'll be many months until he msged me again...(I think since it happened the first time) I seem to have interest in him but I don't think he does.. since the conversation seems bored and as if we don't know what to talk about. Yesterday, he msged me at work and when he got home he msged me again while working out. After 2-3 hours when I was bout to sleep (12:08am) he msged me but I told him to sleep since it's already midnight and I'm sleeping.

The thing is.. I don't know what to do...and I feel embarrassed to msg him first N doesn't seem to be interested. He did asked me couple times if I want to hangout with him sometimes but I told him maybe when we know each other more ...

Plz help me

    killuamamoru April 12, 2017 5:40 am

    That guy sooo not cool. Be confident i tell the truth if u really love him. Tell him that u dont like if he reply ur chat late. If u dont like him, just pretend nothing happen and go oj with ur life

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:42 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! weirdous

    I guess.. but when I don't he'll msg me..

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:46 am
    That guy sooo not cool. Be confident i tell the truth if u really love him. Tell him that u dont like if he reply ur chat late. If u dont like him, just pretend nothing happen and go oj with ur life killuamamoru

    Well..he is 2-3 years older than me and works...so I know he's busy at times. I guess I'm starting to like him little by little.. I'm curious and want to know more about him..

    veera.xv April 12, 2017 5:46 am

    ive had something like this happen to me recently,one day we couldnt stop talking and the next it was radio silence. (voiced his interest in me, and it was not one sided on my part, mind you we talked for several months) turns out he lost interest in me and just decided not to tell me.....

    not saying that this pertains to you, but he is prolly having a change of heart, and just doesnt knownhow to tell you.

    Bang April 12, 2017 5:50 am

    If you like him, it's better to start doing what you're supposed to do; get to know each other, hang out, talk about each other's family and life and future. If he's busy, then he needs to tell you. If he doesn't tell you when he's going to be busy, all you got to do is wait for him. When you miss him or you want to talk to him, message him. Don't hesitate, go for it. If you think the conversations you have with him is boring, make it fun by asking questions and telling stories. If he doesn't pay attention to you, don't pay attention back. Look through the future and walk in a straight line into the next tunnel, next life. Move on or stay on.

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:50 am
    ive had something like this happen to me recently,one day we couldnt stop talking and the next it was radio silence. (voiced his interest in me, and it was not one sided on my part, mind you we talked for sever... veera.xv

    I don't think he's interests in me from the start lol. But I was surprised since we've been msging for 3-4 days straight and him asking me if I want to hangout or if I'm allowed to. We've never msg for 3days straight ..in the past we would msg and 1-2 days msg again.

    He also asked me "how old are you now?" And I told him I'll be 18 soon n the summer

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:53 am
    If you like him, it's better to start doing what you're supposed to do; get to know each other, hang out, talk about each other's family and life and future. If he's busy, then he needs to tell you. If he doesn... Bang

    I always wait for him to reply and when I do reply to his msg he will msg me back in 2-3 hours or just leave me on seen

    Bang April 12, 2017 5:55 am
    I always wait for him to reply and when I do reply to his msg he will msg me back in 2-3 hours or just leave me on seen Katie_T

    He needs to tell you when he is busy. But it's still pretty good to message him while he's working because it just shows how much you want to talk to him.

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:55 am
    ive had something like this happen to me recently,one day we couldnt stop talking and the next it was radio silence. (voiced his interest in me, and it was not one sided on my part, mind you we talked for sever... veera.xv

    Also, he was doesn't seem to have interest in me so what do you mean when you said "but he is prolly having a change of heart, and just doesn't know how to tell you"?

    TheSmutHunter April 12, 2017 5:56 am

    He wouldn't be messaging you if he doesn't find you interesting at all. Unless if there's an intention ( ̄へ ̄)

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:57 am
    He needs to tell you when he is busy. But it's still pretty good to message him while he's working because it just shows how much you want to talk to him. Bang

    Lol, it was him who msged me... I didn't want him to get into trouble so I asked him bout it and went back to work and later on he asked me if I can go outside of the house and hangout with him sometimes

    Bang April 12, 2017 5:59 am

    Yeah, but I'm also talking about when you want to message him but you can't because of your feelings. You guys should hangout sometimes too though, not trying to sound pushy.

    veera.xv April 12, 2017 6:00 am
    I don't think he's interests in me from the start lol. But I was surprised since we've been msging for 3-4 days straight and him asking me if I want to hangout or if I'm allowed to. We've never msg for 3days st... Katie_T

    is he older than you??

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:03 am
    He wouldn't be messaging you if he doesn't find you interesting at all. Unless if there's an intention ( ̄へ ̄) @TheSmutHunter

    Uhmm.... I don't know but when we msg he seems to be bored and not into our conversation. And we don't msg a lot except until almost the end of the day or so.

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:05 am
    is he older than you?? veera.xv

    Yes, he's 2-3 years older than me

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:07 am
    Yeah, but I'm also talking about when you want to message him but you can't because of your feelings. You guys should hangout sometimes too though, not trying to sound pushy. Bang

    I do want to msg him but don't have the confidence and it's due to his late replies or leaving me on seen. Also, I know you're not trying to sound pushy bout me hanging out with him.. it's just that we don't know each other that much because we don't always text each other and my parents are overprotective bout me going out with friends.

    Bang April 12, 2017 6:08 am

    Oh. That explains why then. Well anyway, first thing's first, get to know each other.

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:10 am
    Oh. That explains why then. Well anyway, first thing's first, get to know each other. Bang

    Yea.. so those are what makes it hard and he seems to not have interest T~T

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:14 am
    He wouldn't be messaging you if he doesn't find you interesting at all. Unless if there's an intention ( ̄へ ̄) @TheSmutHunter

    Lol, I don't think he has an intention since I don't have any sex appeal

    veera.xv April 12, 2017 6:14 am

    babes, be careful yeah? cause usually guys that are older fuck around with younger people and leave them high and dry, and they should know better and not fuck around with someones feelings

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:23 am
    babes, be careful yeah? cause usually guys that are older fuck around with younger people and leave them high and dry, and they should know better and not fuck around with someones feelings veera.xv

    Reason why I told him "maybe when we know each other more" when he asked me to hangout sometimes

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 6:31 am
    babes, be careful yeah? cause usually guys that are older fuck around with younger people and leave them high and dry, and they should know better and not fuck around with someones feelings veera.xv

    But he doesn't seem to be like that. He doesn't flirt and he just talks to me normally

    Boo_1998 April 12, 2017 10:43 am
    But he doesn't seem to be like that. He doesn't flirt and he just talks to me normally Katie_T

    Honestly to me it sounds like you have made up your mind that you want to be with him. And there is nothing wrong with that, Why dont you try to ease in to a bit of flirty talk with him the next time you chat, if he shuts you down then he probably isnt interested. But otherwise you could get what you want. Just be careful and stay safe

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:32 pm
    Honestly to me it sounds like you have made up your mind that you want to be with him. And there is nothing wrong with that, Why dont you try to ease in to a bit of flirty talk with him the next time you chat, ... Boo_1998

    Ahaha I don't know how to flirt... or even notice when someone is flirting with me until last minute.. but I'll try talking to him more . Thank you ^^

    Katie_T April 12, 2017 5:33 pm

    Thank you everyone for the answers and replies. I appreciate it ヾ(☆▽☆) ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    killuamamoru April 24, 2017 5:43 pm
    Well..he is 2-3 years older than me and works...so I know he's busy at times. I guess I'm starting to like him little by little.. I'm curious and want to know more about him.. Katie_T

    I wish you best luck. Ganbare

    Katie_T April 24, 2017 10:52 pm
    I wish you best luck. Ganbare killuamamoru

    Thank you!! ^^

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