Bruh choa is such a dumbass he needs to STOP TRUSTING EVERYONE you’d have thought that by now he wouldn’t come running into the arms of every man that’s even vaguely nice to him. Choa needs to just ditch his whole “oh i love mujin so much mwah love love love” attitude and realize that people literally see him as a stupid prettyboy who they can take advantage of.

okay nobody else agrees with me, seeing these comments, but i literally love yejin so much, she’s spoiled but GOD it’s hilarious, the way she half-bullies half-loves Hans is so cute, although Hans can go rot in a hole for being such a whore, he and Zeus have an unlimited libido. I wish Hans would stop whoring around with yoobin and yejin’s mom tho, he’s a sucky love interest

I LOVE my girl jae-in, I really hope that she and ah-young can go from enemies to lovers

She’s also a young teen who is socially awkward and never had a friend or any clue about what a healthy relationship with a peer looks like. Most teens suck. No, all teens suck. You become exponentially better as you age and your brain fully develops. Even the nicest kids in school did messed up things and there’s so much blurred lines at that age because everyone is just starting to learn about themselves, their own bodies, puberty, etc. it’s not like she’s irredeemable or hurt anybody
THIS IS NO LONGER FOR AMATEURS like dayum je-oh is smart asf and that’s why i love him. He isn’t stupid and gullible like dong-gyun or nakyum, this man knows the game and he plays it like a pro. I deadass bet that he’s gonna use this video for something other than his initial purpose. This is a plot device at its finest and it’s gonna come back in the future, I JUST KNOW IT